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२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६२

Explosives production now domestically

Predictable promotion system in police, Border security program with local participation
Defense University is operational from this year
मातृका दाहाल

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The government has set an annual policy and program by prioritizing defense and home administration reform action plans. At the joint meeting of the Federal Parliament (House of Representatives and the National Assembly) on Tuesday, President Ramchandra Paudel announced the plan for the next financial year 2081/82 by prioritizing the performance of the Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Armed Police and promoting good governance.

Explosives production now domestically

The government has made a plan to produce self-sufficient ammunition and explosives for the security agencies in the country. It is mentioned in the policy and program that programs will be implemented with the goal of purchasing defense materials and producing them in the country, starting with the participation and adoption of local people in border security.

The government has said that the law will be amended to make the promotion system predictable by reviewing the retirement period of all levels of police personnel. Currently, the retirement period of 30 years in the police and armed police is always in dispute. Most of the officers have retired due to age and premature service limit. In order to stop this trend, there have been issues such as amending the existing law and removing the 30-year service period. There is a demand to remove the service period and arrange retirement based only on age and tenure.

It is mentioned in the policy and program that the security agencies will be equipped with resources in areas such as physical infrastructure, equipment and infrastructure technology to be reliable and trustworthy. According to the multi-dimensional security concept, security indicator analysis According to the government, on the basis of

, the weak and the sections that need to be protected by the state will be given a sense of security. Cross-border crime and revenue leakage will be controlled. President Paudel said that the immigration service will be strengthened and organized. It is also mentioned that the physical improvement of prisons will be continued, and the management and operation of provincial level prisons will be done in coordination with the provincial and local levels. It is stated in the policy and program that large prisons will be operated in coordination with the provinces and the skills and abilities of the inmates will be used.

The government is going to arrange psychosocial counseling and services and yoga/meditation in prisons. It is mentioned that an integrated record will be prepared for the management of criminal property and its proper protection/management. The national identity card system will be integrated with all types of services provided by the state. Promotional program against illegal drugs will be continued. There is a government plan to make policy and legal arrangements for the medicinal use of marijuana. It is mentioned that the national security system will be strengthened.

The capacity of all security agencies, including the Nepali Army, will be enhanced. The program has been continued from army bunkers to barracks. This program has been running since 2066. The government has adopted a policy of domestically producing essential security and defense materials such as ammunition, explosives, and clothing for the nation. It is mentioned that the National Defense University will be established as soon as possible to conduct high-level studies and research on security, defense and international relations while developing a common understanding and perception.

It is said that diplomatic initiatives will be taken to reach the leadership level from Nepal in establishing world peace. Currently, Nepal is number one among the countries that contribute to the establishment of world peace by deploying security personnel. However, according to this, the representation of security officers who go to the policy level is very low. Similarly, it is mentioned in the policy and program that the public procurement law will be made effective. Emphasis is placed on increasing the capacity of law enforcement agencies. Actions and policy reforms by the authority will be made effective.

The basic services related to cargo and measurement are going to be arranged from the local level through online services. The land will be re-measured with modern technology and an updated record will be prepared. Environmental cleaning program will be conducted in the cities of the international border area. Women's Help Desk will be established in all Police Stations. The government has announced that children in correctional homes will be provided with child health insurance and roads will be manned by 2082.

The program will be conducted with priority for the prevention of mental problems including suicide. The government has said that the home administration will be made competent and professional to make it effective.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २, २०८१ ०७:०३
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