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Looking at the case against the formation of Gandaki government


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The Supreme Court is considering the case against the formation of Gandaki state government. A bench of Justices Sapnapradhan Malla and Sharanga Subedi heard the writ petition filed by the leader of the Congress State Assembly Parliamentary Party and former Chief Minister Surendraraj Pandey in the Supreme Court on Monday.

Looking at the case against the formation of Gandaki government

After the hearing was held on Monday, the Supreme Court set a date for hearing the case on 17th Baisakh.

Pandey, the former chief minister of Gandaki province, filed a petition in the Supreme Court on March 27, stating that the formation of the Gandaki state government under the leadership of UML's Khagraj Adhikari was unconstitutional. On Chait 28, Judge Vinod Sharma gave priority to the case and fixed the date of full payment for Monday.

The UML and the Maoist center had submitted a claim to form the government under the leadership of the official, including the speaker of the Gandaki province. The state chief Dilliraj Bhatt appointed the UML official as the chief minister on Chait 25. Pandey, who is also the leader of the Congress Parliamentary Party, filed a writ petition against the state chief saying that the officer-led government was unconstitutional. An interim order was given to the Attorney General's office to submit the reasons in writing within May 7 on the said writ. The Supreme Court has made the Gandaki state government only temporary.

Chief Minister Khagraj Adhikari has claimed that the Chief Ministerial claim has been submitted based on the number of parties and will get a majority even if a vote of confidence is taken. On the other hand, Pandey of Congress has said that it is wrong to add the number to the speaker. Run the work The government has not stopped doing its regular work . He has been making political appointments since conducting the State Assembly meeting. The state assembly meeting opened on Friday has been postponed indefinitely after Congress and RPP boycotted it. The Congress had submitted a letter to the Speaker on Friday saying that they will not participate in any program until the case in the Supreme Court is resolved.

Adhikari has the support of 22 of UML, 8 of Maoists including Speaker and independent parliamentarians . The RPP, which has become the decisive factor in the government formation, has not made any decision on whether to join the government or not. RPP has two seats in the provincial assembly, while Congress has 27 seats.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १०, २०८१ १८:०५
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