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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६४

Remains of the Kushan dynasty were found

पर्वत पोर्तेल

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During the excavation in Kichchak Vadh area located in Bhadrapur-3, Jhapa, which has religious and historical importance, remains of the Kushan dynasty, which are about 2,200 years old, have been found. Scientific research has confirmed that the remains are that old.

Remains of the Kushan dynasty were found

The excavation team of the Department of Archeology had excavated here in various stages . Archaeologist Uddhav Acharya said that the remains found during the excavation are the remains of the reign of the Kushan Dynasty which lasted from 120 to 200 years BC. "A lot of foundations have been found that can be assumed to be the palace and fort of a ruler of that time," he said.

Photo Courtesy : Ishwar Adhikari

Archaeologist Acharya claimed citing the study of French geologist that this structure existed till the fifth century AD ie till the Gupta period of India and was destroyed by the great earthquake that occurred at that time. According to historical documents, Kushan was the first kingdom of post-Mauryan India, whose influence extended from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran to far Central Asia . At the same time, statues of Buddha as God were first started to be built .

According to Acharya, the excavation of the seventh phase of Kichchak Vadha, which has been continuously excavated since 2058, has taken place for the first time after 8 years. Acharya says that due to lack of budget, the work could not proceed. This time, the department has allocated 10 lakhs under the title of excavation, exploration and conservation and the excavation work has been started from the same budget. 'We will excavate till Chait 18,' said Acharya, 'then covering will be done along with document recording.'

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ११, २०८० १४:३८
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