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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९८

There is no alternative to Lumbini to wish for world peace: Foreign Minister Shrestha


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Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Narayankaji Shrestha has said that there is no other place like Lumbini to pray for world peace.

There is no alternative to Lumbini to wish for world peace: Foreign Minister Shrestha

Addressing the international conference held in Lumbini on 'World Peace for Prosperity', Minister Shrestha He said that the ongoing conflict in the world is affecting the stability of peace. He says that the

conflict is also affecting the world economy. Minister Shrestha said that conflict is increasing inequalities. He said that since Lumbini is the only place to wish for world peace, one should wish for world peace from Lumbini.

The ongoing conflict in the world is affecting the stability of peace. It is also negatively affecting the world economy. As a result, inequalities are increasing. In such a situation, one can wish and call for world peace from Lumbini in Nepal. There is no alternative to this place,' he said. The

program includes Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Czech Republic, Mauritius, Mongolia, Indonesia, Tanzania, Serbia, Slovenia, Cyprus, Ireland, Spain, Latvia, Costa Rica, Poland and the Dominican The non-resident ambassadors of the Republic of Romania participated.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ९, २०८० १७:१३
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