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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६६

272 uncontacted Nepalese recruited into the Russian army

A total of 531 victim families are in contact with the government, including 116 injured, 16 who are sick and 127 who are waiting for rescue.

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The government does not have the exact data of Nepalis who illegally joined the Russian army and fought in the war with Ukraine. So far, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has given only official information about the death of 12 Nepalis, but is silent about the injured and missing Nepalis.

272 uncontacted Nepalese recruited into the Russian army

The awareness campaign for the protection of victims' families and civilian lives started recently by the family members of Nepalis recruited in the Russian army has claimed that 272 Nepalis have not been in contact with their families for a long time. In a press conference held in Kathmandu on Saturday, the awareness campaign said that the families of 272 missing persons have been contacted so far. Kritu Bhandari, who is associated with the campaign, is collecting the family details of the recruits in Russia. Under his leadership, the victims' families of those killed, missing, injured and waiting for rescue in the Russian army are running a campaign.

'In this campaign, the families of 272 people who have been missing for a long time after joining the Russian army have been contacted,' said Bhandari of the campaign. We have integrated the details of the victim's family. Through a press conference, she expressed her concern that Nepali brothers were caught in the Russo-Ukraine war, which has no sign of relationship with Nepal, and added, 'The government should search for the missing as soon as possible. Those who want to leave the Russian army should also be rescued and brought back immediately.

Foreign Minister NP Saud said that so far only 231 families have given written information that they have relatives in the Russian army. In a conversation with the New Delhi-based correspondent of Kantipur, Minister Saud said, "50/60 of them have already returned." Some passed away. That number is not seen in thousands as it is said outside. Since 231 families have applied, it is estimated that Nepalis should join the Russian army in the same serofero.

The government has not released the official details of those who joined the Russian army and those who died. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal said in a public event last November that 200 Nepalis may have joined the Russian army. High officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs claim that at least 1,500 Nepalis have joined the Russian army.

Loss of contact with family for months

It has been 125 days since Harimaya Tamang's husband Vijay Bahadur Thokar of Makwanpur has had any phone contact. Since joining the Russian army and going to fight in Ukraine, he has lost touch with Vijay. He was last spoken to on the phone on October 6. Harimaya, who was met in Battisputli, Kathmandu on Saturday, said that he could not be contacted for a week before going to the red zone, but after all this time, neither his phone calls nor anyone else tells him what the situation is. .

She is sometimes running to the consular department and sometimes to the Russian embassy in Kathmandu to search for her husband. "I didn't know that when I meet someone, I can know the condition of my husband. First there was contact with her husband's friends. Now they have also blocked her," she expressed her pain. Before going to Russia, Vijay used to build houses in Kathmandu. One day the agent of Chitwan told the news that he was being recruited into the Russian army. It was said that the war between Russia and Ukraine is not the same as before. It was said that even if you join the army, you don't have to go to war. After that, he also went to Russia after paying 8 lakh rupees," she said. "He went because the future would be better. There is nothing but stress now.

Premprakash Neupane of Madhuwalia-9, Rupendrahi has not been in touch with his family since December 16. 35-year-old Neupane joined the Russian army on October 22. While taking basic training, he used to talk to his wife Sudha. "When Ukraine entered, we lost contact. We have left no stone unturned to understand and seek his whereabouts, yet there is no urgency. All his friends who came in contact were inquired about. But no one gives official information," Umakant, a relative of Premprakash, told Kantipur. "Even the Russian authorities do not say anything, there is no inquiry from the foreign ministry. Umakant said that after Premprakash's disappearance, the tension in the family increased. "Anyway, even if I just told them what the situation is, no one would speak. I didn't know who to fill and who not to fill,'' he said. In the second week of December, the family had applied to the foreign and Russian embassies to search for Premprakash.

Anjali Basnet of Khotang has lost her hunger during the day and sleep at night after her husband, who joined the Russian army, went unconscious. Other members of the family understand that she has become physically and mentally weaker since she broke up with her husband. Kshitij, a 34-year-old husband who went to Homin Russia during the war with Ukraine, leaving behind an 8-year-old son and a 4-year-old daughter, has been out of touch since October 2. Kshitij left the security guard in Dubai and reached Russia on August 28. He left me a message before going to Luhansk, Ukraine. On the morning of October 2, he sent a message saying that we will be in the forest for one and a half months. After that, another message did not come.'

Lakshman Bista of Panchapuri Municipality-4, Surkhet has not been in touch with his family for two months. Single mother Mandira is worried when Lakshman is uncontactable. Relative Hisanand Koirala said that many efforts to search for 24-year-old Sandeep Dahal of Surunga-2, Saptari, who has been missing since November 8, have not been successful. Sandeep had reached there on August 27 saying that he would join the Russian army from Dubai. A friend who went with Sandeep has escaped and reached Nepal. According to the friend, Sandeep's group was taken to a war zone in Ukraine. We went together in the car for two days from the city. After disembarking, we were sent in two groups to fight in separate places. 6 people died including two Nepalis. Quoting that friend, Hinsanand said, "Since that day, we don't know where Sandeep is." Bimal's brother Pawan Gajmer said that the last conversation with his brother was on October 24. "Now I am trying to increase contact with my brother's friends through Tiktok. In that process, I also found many Nepalis. Some have known my brother but no one has been able to tell whether he is alive or not," he added, "neither they say he is dead, nor they say he is safe."

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १३, २०८० ०६:५९
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