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'Expert Learning Series' by MCHAM Members at SecurityPal


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American Chamber of Commerce (MCHAM), the umbrella organization of businesses operating in Nepal with American investment, has organized an 'Expert Learning Series' program at its member Securitypal. In the event, Ruth Rafalovich, the Vice President of SecurityPal's Business Development Partnership, informed the MCHAM members about how SecurityPal has been providing services in Nepal.

'Expert Learning Series' by MCHAM Members at SecurityPal

SecurityPal, which started in America, is a cyber security company founded by Pukarchandra Hamal, an American entrepreneur of Nepali origin. The US Silicon Valley cyber security company 'SecurityPal' has been operating in Nepal since February 2079.

SecurityPal helps to deal with the security and review security complexities on how to protect sensitive data when exchanging services between two companies with different business details, Hamal said. In addition, Security Pal emphasized the need to invest in schools and create a situation where the students who studied there can be employed in Security Pal in the future. US embassy representative for Nepal Laura Simkis and Kate Ketzer Hudson also participated in the

program. Jay Sears, the founder of Team Daya, who was invited to interact in the program, recalled the support provided by Securitypal when he came from America to establish a school in Kanchanpur, Nepal.

The founders of various companies and officials of diplomatic missions also participated as volunteers when the school was built in Kanchanpur. He said that he was very happy to build that school. He mentioned that he was able to fulfill his dream since he came to study in Nepal for one semester at the age of 21. 50 people including Akash Golcha, Manish Thapa, Sneh Rajbhandari, Amir Raj Thapa and others participated in the

program from Mcham Nepal. More than 50 business organizations of American investment have joined Mcham Nepal. Within 2 years of its establishment, Mcham Nepal has been affiliated with the US Chambers of Commerce. According to the organization, the purpose of this organization is to increase trade and investment between the two countries by including foreign investment (FDI) for Nepal focused on tourism, information technology and energy sectors.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० १३:५७
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