कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The NEPSE index increased by normal points


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On the second day of trading this week, the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) index has seen a modest improvement. Today, the NEPSE index increased by 3.93 points to 2,113.27 points.

The NEPSE index increased by normal points

Today, 93 lakh 30 thousand two hundred and 95 shares of different 317 companies were bought and sold 58 thousand four hundred and 83 times.

Today banking group decreased by 0.74 percent, hotel and tourism group decreased by 0.49 percent and non-life insurance group decreased by 0.22 percent, while the sub-indices of all other groups increased.

Development bank group increased by 0.63 percent, finance group by 1.41 percent, hydropower by 0.25 percent, investment by 1.80 percent and life insurance group by 0.40 percent. Similarly, production and processing increased by 0.78 percent, microfinance by 0.43 percent, mutual fund by 0.49 percent, trade by 0.22 percent and other groups by 0.64 percent.

The share price of Muktinath Agricultural Company Limited and Nepal Warehousing Company Limited has a positive circuit today, while the share price of Buddhabhoomi Nepal Hydropower Company Limited has a negative circuit.

Based on the transaction amount and the number of shares traded, the highest number of shares of NRN Infrastructure and Development Limited worth Rs 204 million 47 thousand 434 were bought and sold today.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १४, २०८१ १५:३९
जनताको राय

हमाससँग युद्ध गरिरहेको इजरायलमा ८ सय नेपाली कामदार (केयर गिभर) पठाउने सरकारको तयारीबारे तपाईंको राय के छ ?
