कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

21 billion 88 million dues towards dedicated and trunk lines should be recovered

The commission formed under the chairmanship of former judge Girish Chandra Lal submitted an opinion that the arrears from 072 January to 075 Baisakh should be collected.

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According to the General Account, the Nepal Electricity Authority has to collect 21.88 billion arrears from 62 customers towards dedicated and trunk lines. According to the 61st report of the Auditor General, the tax arrears increased by 10.48 percent and reached 44.33 billion.

21 billion 88 million dues towards dedicated and trunk lines should be recovered

The report mentions that 49.36 percent of the total arrears are trunk and dedicated line . Accountant General has said that collection of arrears and trunk and dedicated arrears should be done in coordination.

According to the General Account, it seems that 6 billion 2 million should be collected for street lights. Among the arrears of street lights, the highest arrears is 1.79 billion rupees of Kathmandu Metropolitan City.

The General Accountant has to collect 21 billion 88 million dues from 62 customers towards dedicated and trunk lines. Despite the fact that the Cabinet meeting on December 24th has submitted an opinion that the dedicated and trunkline arrears dispute should be raised from 072 January to 075 Baisakh.

The authority announced the end of the loadshedding in the case that the tariff was not fixed from July 072 to December 072 and after the end of the loadshedding from May 075 . The commission said that it should not be collected for that period. The cabinet meeting on May 27 accepted the report of the commission and asked the Ministry of Energy to implement it.

On January 21, 2016, the sub-committee formed on December 28, 2016 under the coordination of the Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, submitted a report with the outstanding amount for three periods. According to the report of the sub-committee, there is arrears of 97 million rupees from 072 July to 072 December, 6 billion rupees from 072 January to 075 Baisakh and 8 billion 3 lakh rupees from 075 May to 077 June.

According to the report of the commission, if it is implemented, the authority will be able to collect only 6 billion rupees. Will be able to raise . Add interest to it.'

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ २०:०२
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