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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

14,000 aggrieved workers filed a complaint at the embassy

Complaints of not getting the work and wages as per the contract, the employer company not making an identity card and not giving permission to leave the country
होम कार्की

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14,730 Nepali workers who have reached the Gulf and Malaysia for foreign employment have filed a complaint at the embassy. According to the 61st annual report of the General Accounts - 2081, which was released on Sunday, the said number of workers filed a complaint saying that they did not get the work and wages as per the contract, the work environment was not suitable, the employer company did not issue identification cards and they did not give permission to leave the country during the last one year.

14,000 aggrieved workers filed a complaint at the embassy

Nepali workers working in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and UAE are the most who file such complaints. There are 46 percent of complaints of not receiving wages as per the contract. The report states that 21 percent of contracts were not implemented, 21 percent of insurance/licenses were not issued or renewed/exit visas were not issued, 8 percent were assaulted/threatened/cased and 4 percent were complaints related to work environment. Of the complaints, the Saudi Consul General Office in Jeddah accounted for 75 percent, Riyadh for 80 percent, Kuala Lumpur for 80 percent, and the Nepali Embassy in the UAE for 83 percent.

According to the embassies, the company has not responded on time regarding the non-receipt of wages and work as per the contract. A double contract agreement has been made with most of the workers. There is no work with the company and it takes a long time to renew the visa. It is mentioned in the report that the immigration process is complicated and the workers are in trouble because the company does not want to renew their visas and send them home. In order to solve the problem, complaints have to be filed with the judicial body and Nepali workers cannot go to the relevant body for legal treatment. The

report stated that the necessary funds for the rescue of the illegally staying workers have not been received. Many workers who have returned due to problems have not filed a complaint with the Foreign Employment Department in Kathmandu for compensation. In Section 36 of the Foreign Employment Act, 2064, if the employer does not provide employment according to the conditions specified in the contract, the worker or his representative can file a complaint with the department to get compensation, and the department can order to pay the compensation if it is necessary to investigate the matter. In the

department, the number of individual complaints is more than institutional. One billion 36 crore 33 lakh 27 thousand rupees was demanded from 1 thousand 924 complaints on the individual side. In relation to 183 complaints, 383.6 million 37 thousand rupees have been filed in the court and compensation has been paid out of 19 million 57 million 7 thousand rupees. Regarding institutional complaints, only 642 have been registered. In which the workers have paid compensation of Rs. According to the

report, 2 thousand 95 complaints are still in process. The record of pending complaints from last year is not up to date. During the action, it was seen that a lump-sum decision was made with a delay of more than a year to give justice to the complaint received,' it is said in the report of the General Account, 'The record of the pending complaint should be organized according to the rules.' According to the economic survey report of 1981, the number of Nepali workers who received work permits for foreign employment reached 59,69,000 by February 2018. Since 050/51, the government has started keeping a record of issuing labor permits for Nepalis going for foreign employment. Out of which 93.8 percent are men and 6.2 percent are women. According to the

report, there are 285,000 people who have received new work permits up to February of the current fiscal year, of which 86.4 percent are men and 13.6 percent are women. The main destination countries for foreign employment of Nepalese are Qatar, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kuwait. In the recent period, the number of Nepali workers going to UAE, Japan, Maldives, Saudi Arabia and Europe is increasing, according to the economic survey.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ २२:३७
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