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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५८

The employees used to make fake licenses for huge amount of money

- License number of one, name, photograph and signature of the other
- 1 lakh 2 thousand 711 licenses issued since December 072 are questionable
विमल खतिवडा

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First week of June 2080. Sanshak Basyal of Syangja Kalikot-5 was going home by driving a car. Until that time, Sashank had only a two-wheeler driver's license. On the way, the 64-year-old pedestrian Krishna Prasad Bhattarai of Syangja was hit by the car he was driving.

The employees used to make fake licenses for huge amount of money

Bhattarai died on the spot. Basyal was taken into custody by the police. A pedestrian was killed after being hit by a car driven by Basyal, who only had a motorcycle license. There is a provision of maximum 20 years imprisonment in the case of vehicular manslaughter. Fearing this, Basyal's relatives started looking for gangs that made fake licenses, and eventually came in contact with them. And made a fake license. And released Basyal on bail.

The gang that made fake licenses included Narayan Prasad Pandey, computer operator of Transport Management Office, Butwal, Akramuddin Muslim, computer operator working in Dang, Laxman Pandey, former computer operator of Transport Management Office Butwal, Surajprakash Aryal, computer engineer of the then Transport Management Department, and Harish Bhatt, Central Investigation Bureau of Police ( CIB) has been revealed by the investigation. The said gang bought the license of Shivpujan Mallah of Mahua-1 in Kapilvastu and issued it in the name of Sashank. The sailor's license number was kept the same, everything else was changed.

The sailor's name, address, photo, signature have been changed and changed to Basyal. One of the gangs, Harish Bhatt, chief engineer of the driver's license printing branch, printed and gave the fake license to Basyal's relatives. According to the plan of middleman Laxman Pandey, Aryal, then a computer engineer of the department, created a fake user ID named 'AII' to make a fake license. The password of the said user was given to middleman Pandey. Pandey is a former computer operator of the Transport Office of Butwal. Pandey gave the password to Akramuiddan, the computer operator of the Transport Management Office, Dang. He changed the name and surname of the sailor. Narayan Prasad Pandey, computer operator of Transport Management Office, Butwal, did the work of changing date of birth and photo.

Computer engineer Pandey did the job of arranging all this. After that, Basyal, who was in police custody, escaped by showing a fake license. Basyal and his father Thaneshwar are absconding after the CIB started its investigation. For going to foreign employment and study and only in urgent cases, driver's license is provided by printing from the department. On this occasion, Bhatt abused his authority by making fake licenses and selling them to escape the death case prisoners.

Now the CIB has arrested the accused in labor-related offences.

According to CIB, Bhatt, Aryal, Narayan Prasad Pandey, Pradeep Sunar, Milan Bastola, Birjukumar Choudhary, Vasant Pandey, Ganesh Bhandari and Deepa Neupane have been arrested on the charge of misusing license number by creating forged documents. Narayan Prasad Bhattarai was the director general of the department when the fake license was issued in Basyal's name. Now he is the spokesperson of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The

incident does not end there. Those who go for foreign employment have also been falling into the trap of middlemen. 080 On 20th of Mansab, Belhabadur Devkota, who gave the license through an intermediary, reaches Meen Bhavan, Transport Management Department office. As he has to go to Australia, he asks him to show the visa and print the license. In the meantime, it is known among the employees that his license is fake. Then he reaches the office of Uddhav Rizal, director general of the department. Those young people gave money to get a license through a broker.

'When did you give the written and trial,' Director General Rizal said, quoting his statement, 'I didn't give the exam, even after filling the form, I paid 70,000 rupees in the hope of getting the license quickly, I came to print now.' How can you get a license without giving a trial? When asked, he replied, 'Many people have taken it this way, I have done the same.' Later, the department wrote to him and handed him over to the Kathmandu Valley Crime Investigation Office, Naya Baneshwar.

The gang had given someone else's license number to Devkota. He was sure that the license would be made based on that. He did not realize that he was in the clutches of the gang. Until this time, no committee was formed by the department for investigation. As the cases where licenses were made by giving money to the gangs started to be found one after another, those who were under the control of the police showed the employees working in the department instead of where the agencies were.

What is a license plate? An inquiry committee was formed under the coordination of Mukesh Regmi, the technical director of the department, on 080 Mansir 21 to find out how the license was artificially made by the department. Branch officers of the department Arjun Adhikari, Savin Shrestha, Deputy Superintendent of Police Tapan Kumar Dahal and computer engineer of the department Bodhraj Baral were members of the formed committee. The committee had studied about the licenses that were manufactured. The committee concluded that 1 lakh 2 thousand 711 licenses issued since December 072 are questionable. No further investigation has been carried out regarding the questionable license.

Central CIB spokesperson SP Hovindra Bogti said that the gangs involved in license fraud were arrested and submitted to the district court. He says that he has proceeded by investigating only two problems related to the license. 'Those who go abroad need a license quickly, for that there is a provision to print the license within three days,' said SP Bogti, 'In this case, there is a gang that gives a license by showing the visa of one person and making a document in the name of the other and keeping it in the computer for a fixed amount of 5 to 7 thousand. A case has been prepared and submitted to the public prosecutor's office regarding the arrest of the gang and the proposed opinion will be submitted to the district court on Wednesday. A case has been prepared and submitted to the Kathmandu District Court for failure to pay the bond after making the license.

"With the connivance of the department's staff, we have advanced the case by asking for up to 7 years imprisonment for the crime of making fake license documents from the license number of a person who is abroad. This is a serious error, such activities are a challenge to the legal process," said Bogti. By showing the license, the issue of missing buses can be reversed. He said that the investigation will be carried forward on the report received from the Department of Transportation. According to the department, about 5.5 million licenses have been issued so far. Out of this, one lakh licenses have been found to be questionable. According to the department, licenses made on the basis of giving money to brokers are often suspicious. According to Transport Management Department sources, since 072 Jojo became Director General, it has been found that questionable licenses were issued during his tenure. According to the information received since 072, Chandman Shrestha, Roop Narayan Bhattarai, Lavanya Kumar Dhakal, Kumar Prasad Dahal, Gogan Bahadur Hamal, Namram Ghimire, Suresh Raut, Tokraj Pandey, Tulsinath Gautam and Narayan Prasad Bhattarai were the general directors.

The department has also stated that the remaining 15,615 biometric details stored in the system as 'migrated app' but not matching the applicant ID in the driving license and registration system and the electronic driving license and vehicle registration system have been immediately discarded from the system.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ २२:५२
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