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Kuchesta spreading confusion about media and judges by producing 'fake news': Media Society


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The Nepal Media Society has demanded action against those involved in such activities by producing artless 'fake news' with the nefarious intention of defaming the established media houses of Nepal and their owners and a sitting judge. The president of the society, Shubhashankar Kandel, issued a statement on Saturday and said that such attempts to spread confusion about responsible media organizations have made them serious.

Kuchesta spreading confusion about media and judges by producing 'fake news': Media Society

On Friday, Sidhakura.com online published an audio material titled "Deal with Supreme Court Judge to dismiss 400 cases of corruption". The society commented that through the YouTube video, there is a dirty attempt to attack democratic structures, independent media and the judiciary, discredit responsible civil organizations and impose the rule of anarchic mobs.

"On a certain YouTube channel, with the malicious intent of defaming an established media house of Nepal and its owner and even a sitting judge, the law enforcement agencies should take immediate action against this kind of irresponsible and planned 'fake'. It is necessary to clarify the fact that the factories that produce 'dose' cannot be the media,'' Kandel, the president of the society, said in a statement, 'We also strongly demand that the government take immediate action against such fake factories and the activities that fall under the category of 'hate speech'.

International media organizations around the world, UNESCO and the United Nations have consistently expressed their concern about Kuchesta, which uses social media for ulterior motives, spreads false information and turns the general public and the entire society into an irresponsible mob. He said that efforts are being made.

"Through extreme abuse of technology, a contaminated air is blowing to attack democratic structures and independent media and the judiciary, and to impose the rule of anarchic and excited mobs by defaming responsible civil institutions. As the latest incident on Friday, the news of Kuchesta spreading confusion about the Nepali media world and established and responsible media organizations by producing artless 'fake news' on a YouTube video has made us serious," the statement said.

He has said that the government should be serious about the growing trend of abusive language, anti-minority and anti-women sentiments and religious frenzy on social media in the name of freedom of speech, completely ignoring social values, recognition and responsibility .

'Recently, it is well known that interest groups and abusers of state machinery have been on the rise due to the fact that Nepali responsible mainstream media has been playing a leading role in some anti-corruption incidents in Nepal and the exposure of injustice and distortion.' (including media organizations and journalists) can and should become news with facts. But using any online or social media to get angry or make a comment that others are like you is a terrible trend in itself .

Society has claimed that such and such online domains and their content created using social media walls or holes in technology cannot be news and accurate information. ;.

'The reality that anything without responsibility cannot be accepted for a democratic society needs to be understood by the government of Nepal and the law enforcement agencies,' President Kandel said through a statement, 'The latest fake audio case has been continuously discussed in Nepali media, journalists and media for some time now. It is a planned series of open attacks, threats and unwanted expressions on the court. It is clear that this fake audio episode is nothing more than an artless fake dosage farce.'

He has claimed that the instructions made by the Press Council have also made it clear.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १५, २०८१ १६:४१
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