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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २९४

MoU between Conscious Energy-KU and Energy Developers for Green Hydrogen Project


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Conscious Energy, a spin-off company of Kathmandu University (KU), has entered into a strategic partnership with energy developers to advance green hydrogen commercial projects in Nepal. An important agreement was signed between the two companies on the second day of the fourth edition of the Himalayan Hydro Expo 2024 organized by the Independent Power Producers Association, Nepal (IPPAN).

MoU between Conscious Energy-KU and Energy Developers for Green Hydrogen Project

Representing KU's Green Hydrogen Lab, Conscious Energy will contribute its research and development expertise, while Urja Developers will contribute operational experience and investment. Urja Developers enters Conscious Energy as shareholder Public companies will be expanded to attract large investments in commercial projects.

It has been agreed that Conscious Energy will develop into a large public company for green hydrogen business in Nepal. Conscious Energy and Energy Developers will showcase the partnership from a joint stall. Conscious Energy is a successful example of KU's goal of establishing spinoff companies and transferring knowledge and technology studied and developed at the university for commercial purposes. The

partnership will mark the biggest step yet by any private company in Nepal to take ownership of research findings from universities and implement them for real and large-scale commercial projects . Through the new partnership, Conscious Energy aims to attract investment to promote green hydrogen business in Nepal.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ १८:५९
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