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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७९

Labor Minister Aryal said: 'The Red Suitcase' made emotional


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After watching the screening of 'The Red Suitcase', Labor, Employment and Social Security Minister Dol Prasad Aryal said that this film has started a revolution to end the days of going abroad with a red suitcase.

Labor Minister Aryal said: 'The Red Suitcase' made emotional

Labor Minister Aryal, who watched the film along with Rashtriya Swatantra Party MP Asim Shah and party general minister Mukul Dhakal, responded that the film had a slow start but made it emotional till the end.

'I got basically two things from the movie . First of all, it presents the story of the fate of our youth who go to work abroad. Secondly, it has affected our villages," he said, "coincidentally, I am now also in the leadership of the responsible ministry that looks after all of this. The way the movie has presented the condition of having no men in the hill town is excellent.'

This film, which raised the issue of foreign employment, has been seen by politicians, artists and viewers recently. Just a few days ago, former Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai praised the narrative style of the film.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ६, २०८१ १२:३४
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