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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Santu was honored with one lakh rupees


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Suman Khadgi, a social worker who loves table tennis, has personally honored Santu Shrestha, who succeeded in qualifying for the Paris Olympics on Saturday, with one lakh rupees.

Santu was honored with one lakh rupees

By becoming the champion in men's singles of the South Asian Olympic qualifiers, Santu has succeeded in entering this year's Paris Olympics.

In the history of Nepali sports, Santu is only the third player to qualify for the Olympics after passing the selection stage. Before this, Taekwondo's Sangina Baidya and Deepak Bista had achieved this feat. Now Santu is going to Australia on Sunday for more coaches. He also prepared for the selection while staying in Australia.

Khadgi, who has been sponsoring most of the table tennis tournaments in Nepal, handed over a check of one lakh rupees and expressed his belief that Santu will play better in Paris.

On that occasion, Chaturanandaraj Baidya, president of All Nepal Table Tennis Association, said that a new history has been created in Nepali table tennis with Santoku's Olympic selection. He also said that the journey to this selection was possible only with the help of everyone.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १२, २०८१ १५:०८
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