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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Junior Table Tennis Team to Sri Lanka


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12 Nepali table tennis players participating in the South Asian Youth Table Tennis Championship will go to Kandy in Sri Lanka on Saturday.

Junior Table Tennis Team to Sri Lanka

Nepal will participate in U-19 and U-15 age groups in the tournament to be held from May 13 to 16. Prince Thapamgar, Siddharth Tamang and Ruvin Maharjan, who have played Asiad, will compete in U-19 Boys and Vianka Rai, Ivana Thapamgar and Yoongi Poudel will compete in Girls.

Jaysnu Maharjan, Rijan Shakya and Subin Chhetri will play in U-15 Boys and Shubhashree Shrestha, Surami Shakya and Mahima Mahata will play in Girls.

Sanjiv Dhungel is the coach and Sikka Suwal Shrestha is the manager. ATTU Competition Manager Tejendra Singh Mahara has also gone to Sri Lanka for the competition. He went there on Friday.

National Sports Council Member-Secretary Tanklal Ghising bid farewell to the team. He told the story of how Santu (the best) recently made history in table tennis by qualifying for the Olympics and encouraged him by saying that the next new face could be from you.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ११, २०८१ २१:४२
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