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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७३

Shankarnagar Cricket Club won by 160 runs

सन्जु पौडेल

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Shankarnagar Cricket Club has won the match of Group 'A' of Division 'B' under the 'Dream Unique Rupandehi Super League One Day Cricket Tournament'.

Shankarnagar Cricket Club won by 160 runs

Shankarnagar defeated Cy Global Cricket Club Bhairawa by a huge margin of 160 in the match played on Sunday at Siddharth Cricket Ground. Shankarnagar, who won the toss and batted first, scored 246 runs after losing all the wickets in 41.5 overs out of the scheduled 50 overs. On behalf of Shankarnagar, Mahendra Subedi Chhetri scored 85 runs, Darshan Rana Magar scored 33 runs and Vivek Bhandari scored 26 runs. Shankarnagar got 45 extra runs.

Aldip Chhetri took 4 wickets, Rahul Thapa took 2 wickets, Avijit Gyawali took 2 wickets, Abhishek Kohar and Abdul Nadeem Sheikh each took 1/1 wicket.

Cy Global, who went into counter batting, was limited to 96 runs in only 23.5 overs. For him, Rahul Thapa scored 35 runs and Bindram Yadav managed to add 21 runs. No other batter could reach double figures.

Shankarnagar bowler Rupesh Basyal took 4 wickets, Raunak Srivastava took 2 wickets, Keshav Paudel and Mahendra Subedi Chhetri took 1/1 wicket to prevent Sy Global from reaching that total. Shankarnagar's Rupesh Basyal was declared the player of the match.

There will be a match between Gyanodaya Cricket Club and Sainamaina Cricket Club on Monday.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ४, २०८० १६:५२
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