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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

What is the budget in the Far West ministry?

अर्जुन शाह

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The government of Far West Province has brought a total budget of Rs. 17 billion 53 crore 08 lakh 55 thousand i.e. 55.42 percent has been allocated for capital. Currently 11 billion 07 million 19 lakh 63 thousand 35 percent is allocated.

What is the budget in the Far West ministry?

In the budget brought for the next year, the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development has allocated 13.35 billion 92 lakhs, i.e. 42.24 percent of the total budget. The Ministry of Social Development is in the second place among the ministries that get the most budget. 6 billion 74 crore, 1.8 lakh 85 thousand or 21.31 percent is allocated to the ministry.

Similarly, the Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives is in the third place. The said ministry has received 3 billion 90 million 13 lakh 34 thousand which is 9.77 percent of the total budget. The fourth is the Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Forestry and Environment. The government has allocated 2.4 billion 21 lakh 13 thousand or 6.46 percent for this ministry.

Similarly, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law 385.9 million 61 thousand or 1.22 percent, Office of the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers 36 million 43 million or 1.15 percent of the total budget, Ministry of Economic Affairs 30 million 93 million 50 thousand or 0.98 Percentage has been allocated.

Similarly, 188.5 million 17 thousand i.e. 0.60 percent of the budget has been allocated for the state assembly. State Public Service Commission 80 million 68 lakh 70 thousand i.e. 0.27 percent and 42 million i.e. 0.13 percent has been allocated for State Policy and Planning Commission.

प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ १९:३४
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हमाससँग युद्ध गरिरहेको इजरायलमा ८ सय नेपाली कामदार (केयर गिभर) पठाउने सरकारको तयारीबारे तपाईंको राय के छ ?
