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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७३

Power outage for 24 hours due to storm

माधव अर्याल

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Due to the storm on Saturday evening, electricity has been disrupted in many places in Palpa. After 24 hours of power outage, local consumers are angry. Narayan Prasad Adhikari of Mathagadhi Rural Municipality-3, Kaseni said that he had to face many problems due to power outage for 24 hours.

Power outage for 24 hours due to storm

"Should we welcome the electricity authority that has blocked the electricity for so long or what?," he questioned and said. When the electricity is irregular, even if there are no big industries in the district, there is a problem of not being able to publish FM, milk dairy, meat industry and newspapers.

Tansen Municipality-8, Madanpokhara, Nari Pad Director Uma Aryal said that the factory had to be closed for the whole day. There is a problem that the radio transmission stops when there is a power cut. Locals say that the BTS towers of mobile phones and radio sets of the police are facing problems due to electricity. Computer institutes, industries, factories, traders and businessmen have also faced problems due to lack of electricity supply.

According to the Palpa distribution center of the authority, it has been reported that in more than a dozen places in the district, electric poles fell, wires were snapped, and electrical structures were badly damaged, so they could not be repaired quickly. Dilip Maraseni, the head of the office, said that due to the heavy damage to the electrical structure on Saturday, it was a problem to regulate .

According to him, poles are broken at 4 places on Palpa-Butwal 33 KV line. According to Palpa distribution center, the wire was cut in two places. In Rupse Churchre 33 KV pole has fallen at 6 places. Siluva 33 KV poles have fallen at two places.

Poles have fallen at 7 places of 11 KV. According to Palpa Distribution Center, two 25 KVA TRN poles are broken and 35 LT wooden poles have been broken, Chief Maraseni informed.

He said that electricity will be regular only after completion of LT and TRN works. Although electricity has been restored from Butwal to Dumre, electricity has not been restored elsewhere. According to the authority, there is also a problem in resuming the power line from VPC of Syangja and Rurukshetra of Gulmi in Tansen, the headquarters. Palpa distribution center has said that the work has been completed in most of the places and they are preparing to resume electricity soon.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १८, २०८० १९:११
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