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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७६

Young man arrested for murdering old woman

माधव ढुंगाना

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Rupandehi police have arrested a young man on the charge of beating and killing an old woman.

Young man arrested for murdering old woman

29-year-old Prabhunath Tharu of the same place was arrested on charges of beating and murdering 70-year-old Ujeli Lodh, resident of Siyari Rural Municipality 7 Ramjan, at around 12:30 last Tuesday night. Tharu was arrested by Rupandehi of the area police office Chhapia from his own house.

According to the police, while Ujeli was sleeping in his room, an unknown person beat him up and ran away after seriously injuring him. The police arrived immediately after the incident and rescued the injured and sent them to Bhim Hospital for treatment. Ujeli died. During the search for the person involved in the

incident, Prabhunath was immediately arrested with the evidence of beating him and he was submitted to the Rupandehi District Court on Wednesday and the investigation was continued after receiving an extension of 10 days from the court, Rupandehi Police Spokesperson DSP Manohar Prasad Bhatt said. According to Bhatt, the iron hammer used by Tharu in the beating has been recovered.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० १९:५०
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