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२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९९

Deadly attack on Pandey, President of District Cooperative Union

माधव अर्याल

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Bhupati Pandey, President of the District Cooperative Union, was fatally attacked when there was a dispute over the cooperative merger. According to the District Cooperative Association, the attack took place during a discussion between representatives of Suryodaya Agricultural Cooperative and Talpokhara Agricultural Cooperative on Tuesday afternoon.

Deadly attack on Pandey, President of District Cooperative Union

Local eyewitnesses said that the

is becoming common and the dispute is increasing and a situation of hand-wringing has been created between each other. Pandey, president of District Cooperative Union, was injured. He is being treated at the Mission Hospital in Tansen. The hospital said that his back and ribs were injured.

Buddhiraj Gautam, president of Suryodaya Krishi Sahakari, while the general meeting of Wednesday was being discussed, Rudranarayan Shrestha and Som Bahadur Sen, the advisory members of the co-operative, expressed their displeasure about the merger. Chairman Gautam said that during the general discussion, the dispute escalated and a hand-wringing situation was created. Pandey was immediately treated at Rampur Hospital and brought to Tansen Mission Hospital.

The District Cooperative Association and District Savings Association have demanded action against the culprits regarding the incident of attack on cooperative activist Pandey . Krishna Bhusal, Secretary of the Cooperative Union and Jagdish Bhattarai, President of the Cooperative Union, stated that the incident of fatal attack has drawn serious attention to the entire cooperative campaign. In order to give meaning to the slogan of good governance and integration in cooperatives, during the discussion of integration between Suryodaya Cooperative of Rampur and Tal Pokhara Agricultural Cooperative, President of District Cooperative Association Palpa has condemned the attack on Pandey and demanded action according to the law. Pandey has filed a complaint at the district police office Palpa demanding action against Sen and Shrestha.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० १०:३०
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