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Mayor and ward president dispute over limestone quarrying, municipal executive meeting postponed

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Municipal executive meeting has been postponed due to the dispute between the Mayor and the Ward President regarding limestone quarrying in Sandeba of Arghakhanchi Bhumikasthan Municipality 9 Dhikura.

Mayor and ward president dispute over limestone quarrying, municipal executive meeting postponed

Vijaya Cement Pvt Ltd in Kapilvastu had written a fake letter recommending for limestone quarrying by signing the municipality's stamp, letterpad and kirte, which was sent by the Department of Mines and Geology, the city chief Jhavilal Thapa had accused in a press conference a week ago . However, after the mining department gave permission for limestone quarrying based on the recommendation of city chief Thapa, Vijaya started mining . In the municipal executive meeting held on Tuesday, after the ward president and executive members took the stand that they would not allow the meeting to proceed until the truth about the theft of the municipal stamp and letterpad by the cement company, Mayor Thapa postponed the meeting indefinitely.

A meeting was called to discuss the work within the city including agriculture. There was no agenda regarding the misuse of city seals, signature letterpads. Many have suspected that Thapa, the mayor, has shown a double character . Chairman of Ward 10, Khageshwar Panthi, said that the truth of what was done should be made public. "The mayor held a press conference saying that he had done kirte, he wanted to know what the reality is," he said, "If Cement Pvt. We will not allow the meeting to be conducted until the mayor confirms this matter, Bhumikasthan has become infamous as Kirte Municipality.

Stakeholders are in favor of not quarrying the limestone, saying that the water sources that reach about 30,000 people including Dhikura, Nuwakot, Khilji, Asurkot will dry up and the settlements will be displaced.

Mayor Thapa's silence even for a week after the press conference means that it should be clarified whether the cement company was asked to do the work after first recommending it or the actual work. .

Chairman of Ward 9, Khemraj Chundali also said that excavation should not be carried out as there is a danger that the water source will dry up and the settlement will be displaced when stones are extracted.

City Chief Thapa said that he is doing legal consultation about the letter of kirte done by Vijaya Cement. He said that the meeting was postponed because it is natural for the ward president and executive members to try to understand the reality of the limestone issue.

Vijaya Cement Company has responded that Municipal Chief Thapa made false allegations to defame the industry.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० १७:०१
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