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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

Bajbarahi health post is the best in the district

प्रताप विष्ट

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Bajbarahi health post located in Thaha municipality-6 of Makwanpur has been awarded as the best health post in the district. Last year too, the health post was excellent.

Bajbarahi health post is the best in the district

The minimum service standards (MSS) measure said Health Post It is the best in the district. Health Office Makwanpur honored the health post with the best announcement in the district along with the annual review and evaluation of other indicators organized on June 17 and 18. . In the

program, Krishna Mizar, public health administrator of the health office, handed over certificates of appreciation to Rajan Bhakta Shrestha, chairman of the Bajbarahi health post management committee, Meghraj Balami, head of the health branch, and Jinu Dangol, head of the health institution.

Public health administrator Mizar said that the health post was honored with the evaluation of the financial year 2080/081. In the said program, the health office also honored 1/1 of the health institutions of 9 municipalities other than Thaha municipality .

The office has honored the health institutions that have done good work at the municipal level. Makwanpur Health Office evaluates the health institutions annually based on various indicators of three sections under the Minimum Service Standard (MSS) measure: governance management, service management and health institution support management. has done

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ १६:२०
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