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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

Garbage piled up on the streets of Bharatpur


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Policies and programs were presented in the 15th Municipal Assembly of Bharatpur Metropolitan City with the goal of making 'systematic infrastructure the basis of prosperity, a prosperous, clean, clean, green and safe metropolis'. Less than a week after the end of the municipal assembly, garbage inside the metropolitan city has started piling up on the road.

Garbage piled up on the streets of Bharatpur

After the monsoon activates and the water level in the Narayani river rises, the garbage of Bharatpur piles up on the road. There is no organized landfill site in the metropolis that produces 80 tons of garbage every day. Garbage is collected and piled on Narayani bank of Bharatpur-3 Nagar Van Aad. In winter, neither the river nor the locals interfere with throwing garbage there.

After the rains, the small Bhangalo of Narayani is also filled with water. Tractors carrying garbage can't clear the garbage. After that, the garbage starts to pile up and fill up on the edge of the city forest. When they started putting garbage in the slums, the locals protested at first. Because of this, there is no garbage in the market.

After negotiating with the locals, Joho Genten, a place where garbage is dumped until the rainy season, is coming. But this time ward no. After the residents of 3 decided not to throw garbage, garbage has been piled up everywhere since last Thursday. The garbage piled up on the road has started to rot and become smelly.

'It has been 20/21 years since we brought garbage to our ward. Even though it is thrown far away from the settlement in winter, in the dry season, garbage has been dumped on the river bank near the settlement. Now we don't have enough place to keep garbage. That's why it was not possible to bring it here," said Bharatpur-3 ward president Vikas Thapa.

ward no. After not being able to store garbage in the riverside area of ​​3, the metropolis is looking for a place in Ward 1. Suraj Poudel, the head of the sanitation management branch of the metropolis, says that a place to keep the garbage is being searched for now.

According to Paudel, along with two private companies, the metropolis has also been doing garbage collection and garbage collection. One company manages the waste from Ward 1 to 5, which is the market area, and another private company manages the waste from Ward 7 to 12.

Municipal Corporation Ward no. 6 and the rest from 13 to 29, Paudel informed. Discussions have been going on for years to create a systematic landfill site for a long-term solution to waste in Bharatpur, but no concrete work has been done so far.

Many other infrastructures have been built within the metropolitan city. But the construction of the landfill site is limited to discussion only.

'We have not seen results in waste management, but we have done a lot of work. We have to make it a high priority. The construction of the landfill site has become a task that we have not been able to do,' said Mayor Renu Dahal at the press conference held after the Municipal Assembly. The municipal council has also allocated five crore rupees to manage the land for the construction of the landfill site.

The government had given land to the then Bharatpur municipality 12 years ago for the landfill site. In February 2068, the government provided 15 bigha land of Jaldevi Barandabhar forest to Bharatpur to build a landfill site. Even if the land in the forest area is provided, it can be used only after purchasing the land equivalent to it and registering it with the forest office.

For this, the then Bharatpur sub-metropolitan office bought 15 bighas of land in Madi eight years ago. The Metropolitan Corporation had written to Bharatpur Division Forest Office on October 11 to take ownership of the land instead of admission. But the Forest Department informed on November 8 that since the land is not connected to the National Forest, the investment made at that time was wasted.

The Bharatpur sub-metropolitan office at that time paid 180 million rupees to buy land in Madi at a cut rate of 60,000 rupees. At that time, a controversy was also created when the land owners said that the land which they had sold at the rate of 30,000 rupees was bought by the municipality by paying double the price.

The land bought in that way will not be used for related work. The Metropolitan Corporation is going to provide cash equivalent to the value of the land to the Forest Office. "After it was decided to pay cash for admission instead, we also wrote a letter to the forest office on the 17th of Baisakh," said Sakar Lama, head of the proposed landfill site project of the metropolis.

After the letter from the metropolis, the forest office issued a public notice on May 2 asking anyone interested in giving land to contact them. After no one came even till May 20, the District Land Acquisition Facilitation Committee, chaired by the Chief District Officer as coordinator, held a meeting and wrote a letter to arrange the arrangement of taking cash for admission instead. Lama, the head of the project, said that the letter went to the Forest and Land Conservation Department on June 11. The

department will correspond with Division One to determine the possible cash value of the land for admission. We have not received such a letter from the department. After receiving the letter, we will calculate the price," said Theer Bahadur Karki, head of Division Forest Office, Bharatpur. Along with the value of the land, the cost of planting trees and maintaining it for five years should also be deposited in the account of the Forest Development Fund.

While the problem of waste management has been seen, the Metropolitan Corporation is still struggling in the process of land acquisition. In the meantime, there was a discussion about creating an organized landfill site with the help of the Korean government.

The Metropolitan Municipality entered into an agreement with South Korea's Sudokon Landfill Site Management Corporation in August 2075 to create a waste management master plan. It was said that the master plan would be prepared within 15 months of the agreement and then the construction of the landfill site would accelerate.

The work started with a tripartite agreement with the Korean government. We are sure that it will be done. But Korea did not start the work due to Corona. Now we have moved forward in our own way," Mayor Dahal said.

Engineer Sagar Karki, a campaigner who has also been providing cleaning and conservation training in the metropolitan city, shares his experience that the metropolitan leadership is not serious about garbage management.

This has happened without being a priority. They do not implement the policies they have made. They plant trees by spending money for promoting greenery, but the trees have been destroyed due to dumping waste in the dumping site. have been cut," said Karki. He says that even though there is a policy of the metropolis to separate the garbage from house to house, it has not been implemented.

If only this work is done, the garbage in the metropolis will be reduced by half. "There is no attention paid to proper waste management," said Karki. The ecological importance of the Narayani River flowing through Chitwan National Park is also great. But without taking care of it, garbage has been dumped in the river.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ २१:०२
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