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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Wagmati government brought a budget of 64.54 billion 4 million [full text]


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The Wagmati state government has brought a budget of 64 billion 54 crore 4 lakh 31 thousand rupees for the next financial year 2081/082.

Wagmati government brought a budget of 64.54 billion 4 million [full text]

In the budget presented by Minister of Economic Affairs and Planning Jagannath Thapalia in the Wagmati State Assembly, the current budget is 26 billion 10 million 16 lakh 82 thousand rupees. If the budget has been allocated, it is 36 billion 93 crore 87 lakh 49 thousand rupees on the capital side. Minister Thapalia said that a budget of 1.5 billion rupees has been allocated for financial arrangements. 40.44 percent of the current budget, 57.23 percent of the capital budget. 2.32 percent of the budget has been allocated towards percentage and financial arrangements.

Last year, the Wagmati state government brought a budget of 62 billion and 709 million rupees.

Minister Thapalia informed that the government has allocated the budget by giving priority to education, health, agriculture and tourism.

full text

प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ १९:५५
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