कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.६७°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५२

Absconding vehicle accident defendant arrested after 11 years

ज्योती श्रेष्ठ

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The fugitive defendant of the car accident was arrested after 11 years. The district police office arrested 32-year-old Sudip Thakuri of Roshi rural municipality-8. He is a bus driver.

Absconding vehicle accident defendant arrested after 11 years

According to the office, on August 19, 2069, an accident took place in Ugrachandi Boarding School No. 2 B 1324, which was going to Bhaktapur from Nala to Bhaktapur, in Sabik Tukucha Nala, Kavre, and Karan Shrestha, the co-driver of the bus, died on the spot.  ;

Information Officer of the District Police Police Office Deputy Superintendent of Police Raj Kumar Shrestha informed that a case was registered against the bus driver Thakuri on 26 August 2069 under the title of vehicular manslaughter.

According to him, he was absconding from that time and after 11 years, the police arrested him on 30th Baisakh 2081. The police said that the arrested Thakuri was being investigated by District Adal Kavrepalanchok after the extension of 6 days.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ३१, २०८१ २०:४४
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