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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २१३

Wife killed by husband in Rautahat

शिव पुरी

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A husband killed his wife due to a domestic dispute in Vrindavan Municipality 1 of Rautahat on Wednesday.

The 40-year-old Tirtha Waiba of Tamang tol in Ballari village of Vrindavan hit her on the neck with a sickle and her wife Sotimaya Waiba, 35, died on the spot, said DSP Om Khanal of the area police Garuda. There was a dispute between the two when they went to cut grass in Bagmati Bagar. Waiba, who was heavily drunk, made noise in the village saying that he had killed his wife.

The police said that he himself was found in a state of strangulation and suicide. Waiba has a serious injury on his neck. He is being treated at the Civil Hospital in Chandranigahpur. DSP Khanal said that the incident is being investigated.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० २१:४७
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