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२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Feminist Foreign Policy

Diplomacy, military and international politics have traditionally been considered predominantly male-dominated. Feminist foreign policy-making is also necessary because the prevailing foreign policy-making is based on unequal power relations and patriarchal social structures in the form of private intellectual property of monogamous, so-called elites.
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In 2014, Sweden's Minister of Foreign Affairs Margaret Walstom presented the concept of feminist foreign policy to the world. Canada, France, Mexico, Luxembourg, Spain, Germany, Chile, Netherlands and other countries have also adopted a feminist foreign policy. Feminist foreign policy is only possible when those responsible for states recognize that a feminist approach is in everyone's interest.

Feminist Foreign Policy

Feminist foreign policy is not limited to conventional foreign policy such as: war, peace, development aid, but also addresses the economic, financial, environmental and health sectors. The traditionalist concept of security gave priority to the geographical security of the nation, but today's security policy has also given special importance to issues related to human security, including people's livelihood, poverty alleviation, and human rights.

Therefore, the elaboration of the security concept is considered as its important principle. Through this, marginalized and women's issues such as: going abroad as domestic workers, human trafficking, immigration, foreign employment etc. This policy analyzes the impact of the world's political and economic system on internal power relations and the current inequality web of power relations created by it, and emphasizes the need for a new standard in the issue of women and marginalized communities in policy formulation.

In July 2021, Ratnanagar Municipality of Wagmati Province implemented a policy to ban women with children under two years of age from going for foreign employment. The public representative presented the argument that children are deprived of motherhood when they migrate abroad for employment. This incident is an example of how Nepal's patriarchal system seeks to restrict women's mobility and right to live their own lives. This confirms how women are marginalized unless they have a powerful and decisive role in policy making. Such policies have a direct impact on Nepal's feminist foreign policy.

Nepal still has deep patriarchal structures and gender bias in diplomacy, security and politics. In recent times, although the representation of women has been ensured and political positions have been given, there has not been a situation in which the power is utilized. Their entry into diplomacy, security and politics is seen as tokenism and arithmetic rather than rights and participation. In order to continue the movement of women's rights and to give priority to gender equality, Nepal should also consider issues of feminist foreign policy.

Various patriarchal entanglements remain in the question of women giving citizenship to their children. Foreign policy lecturer Gloria Steinem says men are often seen politically and women culturally. In other words, this idea of ​​men as political beings limits the needs of women and their subjects in matters of foreign policy. The international recognition that every person's personal life is political creates the basis for demanding women's equal rights in various forms of politics.

Diplomacy, military and international politics have traditionally been considered predominantly male-dominated. Feminist foreign policy-making is also necessary because the prevailing foreign policy-making is based on unequal power relations and patriarchal social structures in the form of private intellectual property of monogamous, so-called elites. This policy formulation will help create a new perspective for internally and externally displaced persons, migrant domestic workers, citizens in the informal economy, citizens in various situations of foreign employment.

When studying a series of heinous crimes such as human trafficking, the most complex process in the process of moving from one place to a foreign country for the purpose of trafficking is the repatriation of the victim. Although there are some extradition laws issued in it, it cannot solve the different needs and complexities of citizens involved in such criminal incidents, including women. Therefore, if diplomatic initiatives and efforts can be made on the basis of feminist foreign policy, the justice of those affected can be facilitated.

The current foreign policy of Nepal has helped little to solve the problem through diplomatic relations during the time of missing citizens, trafficking, and war. However, due to the failure to establish effective diplomatic relations, the news, videos and pictures full of the cries of the citizens in Ukraine-Russia war are teasing our diplomatic sensibilities. According to the press statement issued by the Nepal Human Rights Commission on 23 Baisak 2081, it is clear that we have a diplomatic problem with the hunger strike by the families of relatives in the Russian army to take initiatives for rescue.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १४, २०८१ ०७:३२
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