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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ८२

RSVP General Minister Dhakal says: Let the central committee decide whether I should marry or not


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Rashtriya Swatantra Party (RASP) General Minister Mukul Dhakal has said that he is ready to dedicate his life for building the party. In the central committee meeting held at the party central office in Balaju on Wednesday, General Minister Dhakal tried to express his views in writing.

RSVP General Minister Dhakal says: Let the central committee decide whether I should marry or not

He was allowed to speak after the meeting was asked to be broadcast live. On Friday, the proposal that he wanted to put together with the clarifications asked by the Party Central Discipline Commission has been made public through the media.

He expressed his displeasure by saying that his personal life has also been made a subject of controversy. Chief Minister Dhakal says that he is ready to do other matters of his life including his marriage as per the decision made by the party. 'Golf friend thing. It doesn't matter if the central committee decides about my life. Let the central committee decide whether I will do it in the morning or not, whether Kumar will stay or not. I am ready even if the central committee finds a girl and says to do it with her. Or if you say do what you want, that's fine. But let me decide. Do it on the day you think it is appropriate to make this decision,' said Chief Minister Dhakal.

Chief Minister Dhakal has said that he does not respect anyone by talking about 'girl friend'. He has said before, 'I have dedicated my life to party building because I need a party for country building and country building. Talking about golf friend, I have nothing, I will tolerate it, but I wish I had respected that woman. I can't go, can a woman go? Even if you are crying about me instead, maybe it is a matter related to Mukul Dhakal, where do the issues of human rights and women's rights come from. Let the party determine everything except marriage in my life.'

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ १३:४८
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