कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १०२

Mukul's question to Ravi: 'Is it true...? Wow! Don't say another word'

'Let's be honest. I did not say that I will not be true, only you will be true. I must have made some mistakes before I got it right. I will be honest, you will be honest and the chairman will also be honest. Because the question has come? Is it true...? Let's not say another word.

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RSVP General Minister Mukul Dhakal has questioned Ravi Lamichhane's working style and has shown a warning bell if it is not corrected. While the central committee meeting of the party was going on, in a document that he was making public, Dhakal told Lamichhane that...!  It is mentioned that

Mukul's question to Ravi: 'Is it true...? Wow! Don't say another word'

"No one should get angry after listening to my words, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Central Members". Let's be honest. I did not say that I will not be true, only you will be true . I must have made a few mistakes before I got it right . I will be right, you will be right and the President will also be right. Because the question has come ? Is it true... ? Let's not say another word" Dhakal said. said .

Congress, UML, Party Chairman Ravi Lamichhanele has been questioned for following the Maoists. Chairman, if you fly with a fly, you will reach "...". If you fly with bees, you will reach 'honey'. I want to fly with bees, not flies . You have also started flying with flies, it has started to feel like that. Let's fly with the bees, let's feed the people with honey' He said .

He Sher Bahadur Deuba, KP Oli and Pushpa Kamal Dahal are continuously receiving pictures saying Now Together with them, Danjer told Lamichhane that the time has come to say who is right.

'Who is right with Deuba, Oli and Prachanda? Who is right? It's about time. My desire is not to be at the level of slander. You have to become a politician Mr. Chairman, it is not enough to become a leader. The glass of your car is black, Chairman, review it' he said . He mentioned that today, how many people are on his side is secondary, but democratic values ​​and truth and falsehood are important.

I want to travel the country, Mr. Speaker, I want to live with the people . I will become Kartikeya but not Ganesha. Your wish, Ganesha comes first or Kartikeya ? Chief Minister Dhakal has said, "Chairman, you have to answer by keeping a record of everything you said." All the things said after coming into politics . Let's form a sub-committee from this central committee, for the archiving of those bids. I don't care about what others say, I care about what you say . Why did you speak yesterday? When will you complete what you said, need a timeframe . Result wanted . And please speak only after work in the next few days' Dhakal said.

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ १३:५७
जनताको राय

छ वटा महानगरको पुँजीगत खर्च ५० प्रतिशत पनि नबढेकोबारे तपाईंको टिप्पणी के छ ?
