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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ८२

Chief minister Dhakal says: Let's make a national independent party, not Ravi's party


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Rashtriya Swatantra Party (RASP) General Minister Mukul Dhakal has said that the process of party building should be presented to the people in public. General Minister Dhakal, who has reached 38 districts and prepared a report, has said that the support of intelligent civil society should be openly taken in party building.

Chief minister Dhakal says: Let's make a national independent party, not Ravi's party

General Minister Dhakal even protested by tying a black tape over his mouth saying that the Central Committee meeting held at the party central office on Wednesday was not live-streamed. He has also said that it should be organized for the construction of the future course of action of the party.

Dhakal has said, 'Until now, since the highest body of the party is the Central Committee, let this Central Committee decide, let us gather for the future course of action . Let's light the lamp of hope again .'

Similarly, he is accused of focusing only on party chairman Ravi Lamichhane. He further wrote, 'Let's make the National Independent Party a National Independent Party in the next 100 days, not Ravi's party . Let's make Ravi Lamichhane the chairman of the National Independent Party, but let's make the party not Ravi's party, but the National Independent Party.'

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ १३:१५
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