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Congress-UML accord: Ministers in confusion

Ministers spent Tuesday in a state of confusion due to the changing political developments after the midnight agreement between Congress and UML on Monday.

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Despite the agreement to form a new alliance between Congress and UML, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that he will not resign immediately. Even the ministers, who were in a state of confusion throughout the day, did not take any decision with long-term impact on Tuesday. They also spent the day in a rather normal meeting.

Congress-UML accord: Ministers in confusion

Labor, Employment and Social Security Minister Dol Prasad Aryal reached the Ministry of Labor after the RSVP secretariat meeting. The RSP had decided that the ministers would resign as soon as the process of forming a new government began. I came directly to the ministry after the party secretariat meeting as usual. "I did my administrative work," added Minister Aryal, "It was a regular work like before." He reached the ministry at 11 in the morning and left at 6 in the evening. We have not left the government. Even the government has not told us anything," said Aryal. However, he said on Tuesday that he had not made any decision that would have long-term implications.

Similarly, Pradeep Yadav, who became the health minister from Jaspa, said that he only got to know about the political agreement between Congress and UML at midnight on Monday and that the party has not made a formal opinion about the changed political equation as no one has given formal information. "We have no formal meeting today due to the chairman's surgery. No one has formally told us about the new power equation. That's why there is no question of making all the decisions based on the news," said Minister Yadav. "We will decide what to do after receiving the official word from the Prime Minister Dahal or the Congress." He said that his ministerial position would not matter. Prime Minister Dahal himself claimed that there will be no change in the power equation in the cabinet meeting on Monday and instructed the ministers to work confidently. But after the midnight agreement between the Congress and the UML, the ministers are confused about the political developments.

Representing UML, Raghuveer Mahaseth, who is the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Physical Infrastructure and Transport in the current government, also spent only three hours in the ministry on Tuesday. He reached the ministry at 12 noon and left for Chasal around 3 o'clock to attend the party's secretariat meeting. In the working room, he only worked with the secretary to get necessary information about the work and activities of the ministry. "The minister came to the ministry like before, he did the job of getting information. There were some general meetings," said a member of his secretariat, "then he came out saying that there was a party meeting." Just the previous day, on Monday, he instructed the staff of the planning branch to complete the process for the under-construction project that lacked budget and transfer funds from other projects.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Narayankaji Shrestha, who reached the ministry on Tuesday afternoon, discussed the work of the ministry with the secretary and senior officials. Minister Shrestha, who is also the vice-chairman of the Maoists, then reached the parliament building at New Baneshwar to participate in the National Assembly of the Federal Parliament.

After discussing the budget allocation related to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the National Assembly, he returned to the ministry at 3 o'clock and left at 5 o'clock after discussing work matters with the staff. Education, Science and Technology Minister Sumana Shrestha was busy in the ministry all day. Launched a career counseling website aimed at students. The approved educational certificate verification procedure has been made public through the website.

Former Secretary Shankar Prasad Koirala, chaired by the Study Committee, has also published a report on the study of educational institutions run in relation to foreign educational institutions. "Since the instructions came from the office of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers not to make far-reaching decisions, only the regular and in-process work was carried out," said his secretariat.

Finance Minister Varshman Pun has released 350 million 26 million 19 thousand rupees for medical treatment for chronic patients on Tuesday. He has approved the file regarding disbursement of the amount for kidney transplant patients, dialysis patients, cancer patients and spinal paralysis patients. According to the procedure related to treatment expenses 2078, those patients have been getting 5,000 per month.

Through the Ministry of Health, various local levels across the country requested funds. According to the ministry, the amount released from the current budget will be deposited in the patient's bank account through the local level. Finance Minister Pun has said that UML should confirm the justification of throwing Maoists out of the ruling coalition. Are we going to throw it away because we have brought good governance, prosperity, and a balanced budget, or are we going to replace it because we are improving economic relaxation? We need a satisfactory answer to that," he told Kantipur, "If not, we will confirm the justification of not leaving the government immediately and form the government of Buhamat again."

Minister of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Hit Bahadur Tamang did not participate in the formal program on Tuesday. According to his son and personal officer Rupak Tamang, the tourism minister did the regular work of the ministry on Tuesday. "There was no program outside the ministry," he said, "He returned after meeting and doing daily work at the ministry."

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ ०६:५४
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