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Signing at 12:15 midnight: Congress-UML power equation agreed

The Dahal-led government, which has changed alliances three times in the space of one and a half years since the election, is in danger of dissolution

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The two major parties in the parliament, Congress and UML, have agreed to form a government of 'national consensus' with the agenda of amending the constitution. Both parties, who were betrayed by the Maoists less than two years after the elections, have now agreed to form a government by including all parties as much as possible. After a long and intensive homework, the top leaders of the two parties, KP Sharma Oli and Sher Bahadur Deuba, signed the memorandum of agreement at 12:30 midnight on Monday.

Signing at 12:15 midnight: Congress-UML power equation agreed

According to a Congress leader, UML President Oli will lead the government in the first phase, while Congress President Deuba will become the Prime Minister after one and a half years in the second phase. An agreement has also been reached to form a recommendation commission to amend the constitution on issues such as the electoral system. They claim to amend the constitution based on the recommendations of the commission and guarantee political stability by reforming the electoral system.

If the government of national consensus is not possible, Congress and UML aim to form a government by gathering two-thirds of the support required for the amendment of the constitution. There is a preliminary understanding that UML, which is leading the government, will take 9 ministries including finance and Congress will take 10 ministries including home affairs. However, as there is an effort to form a government of national consensus, the number of ministries may be lower,' said a Congress leader.

With the Congress-UML agreement, the government led by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, who has changed alliances three times since the election, is on the verge of dissolution. With UML withdrawing support from the government, Dahal is certain to be in the minority. In that case, he will have the option of resigning immediately or taking a vote of confidence. For that, it has been agreed to informally request Dahal to resign, otherwise the UML ministers participating in the government will resign collectively and withdraw their support to the government.

Maoist leader and Finance Minister Barshman Pun said that the party's opinion will come on Tuesday itself. "In the current situation, we have no other choice but to stay in the opposition," he said. "After the UML withdraws its support, the party will make a decision whether to wait or leave as it has the constitutional right to take a vote of confidence." Deuba and Oli also informed President Ramchandra Poudel at midnight. According to sources, UML President Oli suspected that the President would call for the formation of a government in accordance with Article 76(3) of the Constitution. "The agreement was signed after assuring that the government will be formed under Article 76(2) by resolving it," the source said.

A series of discussions were held between Deuba and Oli for a few days for the new power equation. According to a leader of the Congress, although discussions between Deuba and Oli have been going on for a few days, they reached a position to change the power equation after the meeting on June 15. Oli, who was about to balance the power equation with the Congress, did not fail to reassure Prime Minister Dahal in parallel. 'Oliji had come to the meeting with Deuba saying that this is the way to eat Dahichiura. During the three-hour meeting on Monday morning, there were talks about going to hell together and going to heaven together. In that way, we were confident that the alliance would not be broken," said the leader of Dahalnikat Maoist.

Even after the three-hour meeting with Oli on Monday, Dahal was more confident that the government would remain. After the meeting with Oli, as a last exercise to preserve power, Dahal decided to form a committee on Monday to proceed with the appointment process from the 'fast track' with the message that he would not interfere with the Securities Board.

'All the ministers were assured that this power equation will continue even in the cabinet meeting,' said a minister who participated in the cabinet meeting, 'Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane was also of the opinion that he succeeded in preserving the power alliance.'

Deuba told Oli After making a mutual understanding, Congress leaders Ramesh Lekhtar and Gyanendra Bahadur Karki were engaged for further discussion. Oli did not even give its needles to any other leader except the party's general secretary Shankar Pokharel. "By the time of the signing at midnight, Oli's close leader and party vice president Bishnu Paudel, deputy prime minister and physical infrastructure and transport minister Raghuvir Mahaseth, who led the government from UML, were saying that there was no progress on the new equation," said a UML minister. The president told the plan to stand by and prepare to issue a statement if necessary.

Oli left Balkot at 11 pm after giving a message to the leaders that the alliance will continue. After that, Oli and Deuba reached the house of entrepreneur Rameshwar Thapa in Chapley Heights and signed the agreement and returned at 12:30.

Party spokesperson Prakasharan Mahat, who is also the former finance minister, said that they will cooperate with UML not only for the government but also on the constitutional amendment agenda and good governance issues including the electoral system. We did not talk to UML just to get to power. There has been an agreement to amend the constitution and economic transformation in order to provide political stability,' said Mahat From Bardli to Chapli Height

Exercise held on Monday to change the power equation

9 am: Baluwatar Bardli

One and a half hour talks between Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal and UML President KP Sharma Oli. Dahal's attempt to address Oli's dissatisfaction, Oli wants the Prime Minister to leave immediately, Dahal's proposal. But Oli expressed dissatisfaction with the agenda more than the Prime Minister. To convince him, Dahal's commitment to immediately start the process of appointment of the chairman of the Securities Board (Sebon), to address the budget dissatisfaction, and to make the Unmukti Party participate in the government. The negotiation ended by making the promise that 'heaven and hell will go together wherever they go'.

3 pm: Congress office bearer meeting

Information by Deuba that there was a conversation with Oli and the relationship became smooth. Deuba's comment that the assumptions made about this are natural.

4 pm: draft

UML general secretary Shankar Pokharel and Congress chief whip Ramesh Ukhar meeting at Hotel Vivanta in Lalitpur Jhamsikhel. A draft agreement to form a government of national consensus on the agenda with constitutional amendment is prepared.

4 pm: Council of Ministers meeting

The decision to set up the old committee to resume the process of appointing Sebon chairman to address Oli's concerns. Prime Minister Dahal's 'briefing' to ministers to ensure that nothing will happen to the coalition and the government.

4:30 pm: Oli-Deuba brief meeting

A meeting between Congress president Deuba and UML president Oli at a house in Babarmahal. Agree to draft the agreement and sign it on Monday.

5 pm: Oli in the Parliament

UML President KP Sharma Oli reached the Parliament and asked the media persons - When will you take the oath of the Prime Minister? Oli's answer - I don't think so this year.

6 pm: Maoist officials meeting

Discussion between Prime Minister Dahal and Maoist officials. Briefing that the power coalition will remain until the next election, coordinate with the UML in the election and unite the communists after the election.

at 9 pm:

with both leaders and colleagues at the residence of Congress President Deuba in Budanilkanth, a discussion between Congress leaders. Meanwhile, UML ministers and secretariat members at Oli's residence in Balkot. Ministers and leaders questioned about news about possible power collaboration with Congress. Oli's answer is that he is positive to move this government forward even if the discussion continues. Vice President Vishnu Paudel and Deputy Prime Minister and Physical Planning Minister Raghuveer Mahaseth returned home.

11 pm: Oli-Deuba left the residence

UML General Secretary Shankar Pokharel, President Oli left for Chapli Height via Maharajganj, Bansbari. At the residence of entrepreneur Rameshwar Thapa, Congress President Deuba was waiting along with his colleagues, leaders Ramesh Lekhtar and Gyanendra Bahadur Karki.

12:15 pm: Chapli Height agreement

UML general secretary Shankar Pokharel and Congress chief whip Ramesh Akhtar signed the agreement. According to the agreement, UML will form a government of national consensus under the leadership of President KP Sharma Oli, after one and a half years it will be Deuba's turn. As a government of national consensus, invite all parties to participate as much as possible. Amending the constitution on matters such as reforming the electoral system.

To maintain good governance in the country and move towards prosperity. This memorandum of agreement is signed by Chairman Deuba on behalf of Congress and President Oli on behalf of UML. Although not mentioned in the memorandum of understanding, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Home Affairs will be taken by the UML and the Ministry of Home Affairs by the Congress. After 15 minutes of signing, the leaders left for their respective residences at 12:30 pm.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ ०५:२९
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