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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Sirohia's release demanded by the Asian Human Rights Commission


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The arrest of Kailash Sirohia, president of Kantipur Media Group, has been judged by the Asian Human Rights Commission to be retaliation against the media. The Commission has demanded the release of Chairman Sirohia saying that the government has arrested him by misusing the power.

Sirohia's release demanded by the Asian Human Rights Commission

We request Sirohia to be released. We do not believe that the ongoing investigation against him should be stopped but it should come within the ambit of standard procedures and laws practiced nationally and internationally," said a statement issued by the commission on Sunday. The Commission demanded the resignation of Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane and emphasized that his involvement in misappropriation of cooperative funds, dual citizenship and passport misuse should be investigated. The

commission has commented that the arrest of Sirohia is a political revenge against the media, saying that they are trying to silence the media that wrote serial news about the misappropriation of cooperative savings. Home Minister Lamichhane has misused political power. "Lamichhane has tried to keep the media that published series of news about involvement in misappropriation of savings in cooperatives" said in the statement issued by the commission.

The Commission also claims that Sirohia's citizenship issue is not at the level to be arrested. The real reason is not the error in Sirohia's citizenship, but the message given to the media not to publish news against Home Minister Lamichhane. And, this is not going to stop,' the commission said, 'this process will be continued and other media will be targeted to keep silent.' It has been said, 'It is clear that the accused Home Minister Lamichhane, who has been constantly questioning his role, has misused the government's power to seek revenge by arresting him in a 'catch first and gather evidence' style. Indifference is said to increase suspicion. "We want to remind the government of its political and constitutional role to resolve the crisis of cooperatives linked to people's livelihood, to ensure good governance with action against those involved in its misuse, and to remain committed to the freedom of the press, which has the responsibility of warning about it," the statement said. The civil movement has called on the press community to be more dutiful amid the growing relevance of accurate, factual and investigative journalism rather than being discouraged by those who spread hatred and confusion against individuals and institutions in an organized manner through social media.

Similarly, Hana Singer Hamdi, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations (UN) for Nepal, said that it is important for everyone to rekindle the pioneering promise for freedom of expression. Speaking on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the National Human Rights Commission on Sunday, she said, "Reviving the pioneer promise of freedom of expression is more important for all of us." She said that equality before the law and justice for all should always be protected.

Likewise, she also said that the hope and expression of protection of human rights is important for everyone while dealing with numerous human rights challenges globally. She also said that UN-Nepal is committed to support the commission and the government for the promotion and protection of human rights.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १४, २०८१ ०५:१६
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