कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Chief Minister Yadav is Prachanda who is the staunch opponent of federalism


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Madhes Chief Minister Saroj Kumar Yadav has accused Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal of being anti-federalism.

Chief Minister Yadav is Prachanda who is the staunch opponent of federalism

On Monday, CPN-UML, Janmaat Party, CPN (Maoist Center) and Democratic Socialist Party, Nepal drew the attention of the Chief Minister regarding the distribution of conditional grants to the local level for the financial year 2080/081 and the transfer of funds from various ministries.

Political parties including CPN-UML had submitted a letter of attention not to take decisions that will have long-term effects as the current government is in a minority.

After receiving the attention letter, Chief Minister Yadav accused Dahal of being a staunch opponent of federalism. He mentioned that CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli had already made it clear that he did not want federalism, and he insisted that the leadership that brings National Independent Party Chairman Ravi Lamichhane into the government cannot be in favor of federalism.

Madhes province wants federalism across the country. In this year and a half, I am the one who fought more that federalism is needed. Earlier we used to call KP Oli anti-federalism. He was saying that I did not want federalism, it was forced, I was forced. But how I look at Prachanda now, Prachanda is a person who wants federalism but now he is a staunch opponent of federalism. Prachanda does not want federalism,' he said, 'if he wanted this federalism, he should not have formed the government by bringing KP Oli and Ravi Lamichhane. The leadership that formed an alliance with such people wants federalism in the country?'

Chief Minister Yadav said that the union government has repeatedly withdrawn the vote of confidence in Madhes province, transferred employees and other activities to attack federalism.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १४, २०८१ १५:१३
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