कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Four vehicles collided on Narayangadh-Muglin road: one dead, 22 injured


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One person died when four vehicles collided at Narayangadh-Muglin road in Bharatpur Metropolitan City-29 Satrak today at 12:30 midnight. Police said that 22 people were injured in the accident.

Four vehicles collided on Narayangadh-Muglin road: one dead, 22 injured

The spokesperson of Chitwan District Police Office, DSP Bhesraj Rizal informed that the condition of 8 of the injured is serious and 14 are in moderate condition. According to DSP Rizal, Ba 4 B 9086 no. is coming from Kathmandu towards Pyuthan. Bus No. 3 B 7915 from Narayangadh to Muglin. The truck, the bus No. 7 Kha 3248 coming from Kathmandu to Mahottari Bardibas and the bus No. 6 Kha 8968 going to Kathmandu from Birgunj collided.

According to the police, a teenager aged 16/17 years died during treatment at the New Medical College in the accident. According to the police, his identity has not been revealed. As the road was blocked on both sides after the accident, after 2:30 in the night Unilateral and now After half past four in the morning DSP Rizal said that the road has been opened on both sides. Among the injured, 18 people are in Ishkamana Basic Hospital Kurintar and Chitwan Police informed that 4 people are being treated at New Medical College Bharatpur.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १४, २०८१ ०५:३८
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