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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

RSP MP Wagle says: Congress opposition is ritualistic

"It has been agreed to form an inquiry committee, this unreasonable, ritualistic protest has no relevance"
Speaker Devraj Ghimire cautioned Wagle to 'concentrate on the issue' and speak about the opposition and cooperation of the Congress instead of discussing policies and programs.

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Member of Parliament Swarnim Wagle, who is also the vice-chairman of Rashtriya Swatantra Party, has expressed his anger against the Congress, which is raising slogans at the well of the House of Representatives, demanding a parliamentary committee to investigate Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane on misappropriation of cooperative savings.

RSP MP Wagle says: Congress opposition is ritualistic

In the Sunday meeting of the House of Representatives, while participating in the discussion on the policies and programs of the next financial year, MP Wagle criticized the Congress's presentation in the Parliament as ritualistic.

Wagle said that the Congress has done a shameful act by bringing the standard established by BP Koirala to this state. "I am deeply sorry for this disgraceful, unjustified protest that has brought the standard set by BP Koirala to this state." We regret the move to make the dignity, dignity and dignity of the Parliament irrelevant,' said Wagle. MP Wagle said that cooperatives should be solution oriented.

Instead of discussing policies and programs, Speaker Devraj Ghimire warned Congress to 'concentrate on the issue' and talk about cooperation and opposition.

However, the deputy chairman of RSVP and MP Wagle did not follow the speaker's statement. Wagle said that the solution of the cooperative issue should be oriented. He said that Congress is going to set a bad example by focusing on individuals. It has been agreed to form an investigation committee. This baseless, ritualistic protest has no relevance . Negotiations are underway on this TOR. Negotiations on TOR are getting stuck in one or two words. I express my regret for this senseless ritual,' Wagle said .

Wagle said that democratic culture has been lost in the parliament and the situation has deteriorated.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ १३:०२
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