कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The programs in the budget were not implemented


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In the budget statement of 2079/080, it has been found that the programs mentioned under the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport have not been implemented and the progress of those that have been implemented is low.

The programs in the budget were not implemented

According to the 61st annual report of the Auditor General which was released on Sunday, it was mentioned in the budget that the private sector will be called upon to build a tourist route based on new technology in the Jumla-Rara-Chhaynath-Limi section from the Madhyapahari highway. But it is mentioned in the report that there is no such study as it is mentioned that after analyzing the feasibility of the said project, if necessary, the government will provide low compensation for infrastructure construction.

Similarly, a detailed study report will be prepared for the Birganj-Kathmandu railway and Kathmandu-Metro railway, and the possibility of tram transport in Birganj-Dharan-Pathalaia-Birganj-Bhairawa-Butwal and Pokhara Valley will be studied in the budget, but it has not been implemented.

In order to promote water transport services, the construction of terminals will be started again at Chatra in Koshi, Narayanghat in Narayani and Chisapani in Karnali, and the construction of terminals in public private partnership in the mentioned possible places is mentioned in the report of the Auditor General, but it has not been implemented.

It has been found that the capacity of the driver's license registration system has not been expanded as it has been mentioned that the system for driver's license will be improved and the driver's license will be provided through the Provincial Transport Office within one month of the application.

It is mentioned in the report that even though provincial offices have provided temporary licenses for up to one year to service users who have passed the examination, they have not been able to provide permanent licenses until the end of that period.

It is stated in the report that the road construction scope of the union, state and local levels should be clarified based on the mapping of road infrastructure, including utility, geographical severity, and regional balance.

It is suggested by the Auditor General that the policies and programs mentioned in the budget statement should be edited according to the target.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ १८:५५
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