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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Parliament deadlocked by dialogue with the opposition A letter to the Prime Minister by CPN-S demanding disclosure


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The ruling CPN United Socialist Party has drawn the attention of Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal to clear the impasse in the Parliament by having a meaningful dialogue with the opposition parties.

Parliament deadlocked by dialogue with the opposition A letter to the Prime Minister by CPN-S demanding disclosure

The ruling CPN United Socialist Party has drawn the attention of Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal to clear the deadlock in the Parliament by having a meaningful dialogue with the opposition parties.

President Madhav Kumar Nepal on Sunday Prime Minister He met Dahal in Baluwatar and submitted a letter of attention. 'Our party believes that the ruling party must show skill and necessary flexibility to move forward by taking the opposition into confidence through discussion and meaningful dialogue. We request the Honorable Prime Minister to take serious steps to move the parliamentary process forward through meaningful discussions and negotiations with the main opposition party, the Nepali Congress, as well as other opposition parties, which is obstructing the regular work of the Parliament.

Noting that he has experience that even difficult disagreements and conflicts can be resolved on the basis of dialogue and consensus, President Nepal has pledged his party's support to move forward through dialogue.

Our party strongly believes that the Parliament is a place to raise all kinds of problems of the people and to draw the attention of the government through intensive discussions and guide them for solutions. Now the parliament is blocked. There is no meaningful debate on the problems of the country and the people in the parliament, but unhealthy accusations are being made, and there is a suspicion that there will be no direct confrontation between the ruling party and the main opposition. The debate focused on solving people's problems through policy programs and annual budgets. It is undoubtedly sad that such a situation of confrontation should appear when it should be.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ १२:४४
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