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२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Government attacked democracy by protecting cooperative thugs: Speaker KC


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Rashtriya Jan Morcha President Chitra Bahadur KC has said that the government has attacked democracy by protecting cooperative thugs. While proposing amendments to the government's policies and programs in the House of Representatives meeting on Sunday, Speaker KC said that the government is conspiring to save those who are ruining the country by cheating the cooperatives.

Government attacked democracy by protecting cooperative thugs: Speaker KC

Chairman KC also said that his party will not support the policies and programs of the government. "The ruling party is conspiring to protect those who are ruining the country by cheating in cooperatives. This is an attack on democracy. It is an attack on the Republic . Therefore, the plight of the ruling party is strongly opposed by the National People's Front. And this policy does not support the program . opposes.'

Finance Minister Varshman Pun has submitted an economic survey amid Congress slogans. Speaker Devraj Ghimire has advanced the discussion on the government's policies and programs amid opposition.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ १२:४४
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