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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Congress should withdraw from the current situation to resume Parliament: Secretary Bhattarai


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CPN-UML Secretary Yogesh Kumar Bhattarai has said that the Nepali Congress should step back from the current situation in order to make the parliament run smoothly.

Congress should withdraw from the current situation to resume Parliament: Secretary Bhattarai

Responding to media persons outside the Parliament building after the House of Representatives meeting on Sunday, he said that a party like the Nepali Congress, which has been practicing parliamentary practice for a long time, should not continuously block the Parliament.

He said that the government has a constitutional obligation to submit the budget to the parliament on May 15. He said that the government is continuously trying to reach an agreement with the Nepali Congress and claimed that an agreement will be reached before the budget is presented on the 15th.

He said, "Despite continuous discussion with the Nepali Congress, they have not been able to reach an agreement." Since there was no agreement, the government did not even have time to pass the policy and program through the parliament. There is a constitutional provision that the budget must be submitted to the Parliament on May 15th. Because of that arrangement, there was an obligation to pass policies and programs from the parliament today. Let the government try to find consensus. At the end of the agreement, it has been backed. After the Congress withdrew from the agreement, the work of the Parliament had to be carried forward.'

He said that consensus will be tried before the budget is submitted to the parliament. ''The budget must be brought on May 15. This is a constitutional obligation. Even if there is no consensus, we expect that the Congress will not obstruct the presentation of the budget,' he said.

He said that as per the constitutional arrangement, the policy and program must be passed by the House of Representatives on Sunday, despite the opposition of the main opposition, he was forced to pass the policy and program through the parliament.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ १६:४०
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