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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Brutal beating of women for exterminating witches

In the police statement, Painyu's Laura was beaten up by the perpetrator, neeldam and khat were applied to various parts of the woman's body.
After I told them, they gave me cloves to eat and started beating me, saying, 'They have turned you into a witch'. - Victim woman
माधव अर्याल

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The husband is a health worker (Aheb) of the village health institution. Mrs. Bagnaskali is the conciliator of the rural municipality. Unfortunately! The 43-year-old conciliator woman is now brutally beaten on the accusation of witchcraft. The person who assaulted is 29-year-old Padam Basyal, who works as a jharfuk at the local level.

Brutal beating of women for exterminating witches

That woman from Bagnaskali rural municipality-9, Chappani, asked to get rid of the buffalo after her buffalo fell ill on May 6. She went to Basyal's house. Basyal took the woman to the upper floor of the house and beat her up saying that she had the look of a witch. The woman who was injured in the beating was rescued by the neighbor.

Deputy Superintendent of Police and Information Officer Sugandh Shrestha told a press conference on Thursday that the perpetrator Basyal was arrested and remanded in police custody based on the victim's complaint. "The police have examined the victim's wounds," he said, "the victim's statement is yet to be taken." Deputy Superintendent of Police Shrestha said that the woman was beaten with sticks and hands. The police are continuing the investigation against the arrested Basyal as per the Witchcraft (Crime and Punishment) Act, 2072.

According to the locals, Basyal used to walk around the village saying that he was possessed. Sometimes in the middle of the night and sometimes in the afternoon, he would make noises claiming that he had come down. On the day of the incident, after her husband had gone to the health institution, the victim Padam's mother called her and invited her home. "I had heard that Deuta had come to the toll area," she said. Accordingly, I went with rice.'

When the victim reached the house, two outsiders were also there. "The buffalo was not giving milk at home, so I took Akhat accordingly," she said. Even Gautham said that he heard "you have a witch in your eyes" and was beaten and cried.

Basyal called the woman upstairs after sending Gautham, who had come for Fukfak, home. "After I gave you a report, they immediately gave you cloves saying that they will turn you into a witch," she said. According to the police, neeldam and khat were found in various parts of the woman's body.

"When the noise reached Pallo's house, the neighbor came and saved me from beating her," she said, "At that time, my husband was also called. It may be that he will be trapped now.'' Her husband said that the victim Basyal had come to the prayer hall crying. After the incident, the victim's husband reached home. He said that he reprimanded his wife, who was found in a semi-conscious state, to stop the play after seeing her being shaken by the bed.

'She couldn't say that she got bruised that day,' the victim's husband said, 'I saw Neeldam only the next day while taking a bath because she didn't show any injuries.' The victim's husband said that despite filing a complaint with the police, the victim's relatives called and harassed him. The victim's family said that after filing a complaint with the police, there was pressure to settle. The victim's husband said, 'Even now, the practice of beating on the accusation of witchcraft is strange,' he said, 'They must be prosecuted.' Burning or using chemical, poisonous biological substances or torturing in any other way, feeding excrement, turning the bed, walking around naked or naked or in any way cruel, inhuman or humiliating, imprisonment for five years to eight years and a fine of 50,000 to 100,000 rupees. There is a provision for fines.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १३, २०८१ ०५:३०
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