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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

A consensus effort focused on the core issue of cooperative fraud

The ruling party and the opposition are ready to determine the jurisdiction of the parliamentary inquiry committee

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The ruling party and the main opposition party have tried to reach a consensus by focusing on the main issue of fraud in the cooperative. The Congress has said that the ruling party has been flexible in the jurisdiction of the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee by naming the cooperative in the co-operative fraud without mentioning the name of Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane, who was working as the managing director of Gorkha Media Network in the past.

A consensus effort focused on the core issue of cooperative fraud

When the ruling party investigated the distressed cooperatives, after stating that 'those who have embezzled funds, they may come under the scope of investigation', the Congress said that it was flexible in the name of extending the jurisdiction of the investigation committee.

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, UML President KP Sharma Oli, Congress Vice President Purna Bahadur Khadka, Congress General Minister Gagan Thapa, Congress Chief Whip Ramesh Akhtar, UML Chief Whip Mahesh Bertaula, Maoist Chief Whip Hitraj Pandey on Friday at the Prime Minister's Residence Baluwatar, the leaders said that the discussion between the leaders was positive. . There are preparations to hold a decisive dialogue on Saturday for agreement.

There has been a deadlock in the parliament for more than two weeks because the ruling party has taken the position of creating the jurisdiction of the investigation committee so that Home Minister Lamichhane is out of the investigation. Because of this, the government's policies and programs presented by President Ramchandra Paudel to the Parliament on May 1 have been stalled as they could not be passed.

Prime Minister Dahal said that since the day of the government's budget is approaching, both sides should be flexible to end the deadlock in the parliament. According to the sources, Oli also emphasized on the need to investigate the distressed cooperatives and agree with the provision to return the embezzled money of the savers.

In the meeting of the three parties, UML Chief Whip Bertaula informed about the efforts of consensus in the working group. After that, the top leaders of both the parties asked the working group to focus on the main issue of fraud in the cooperative and to finish it on Saturday.

According to a leader of the ruling party, Oli and Dahal are in favor of "war ki par" on Saturday. "Prime Minister and UML President Oli are in favor of passing the Saturday war because there is a theoretical agreement to investigate the distressed cooperatives," said the leader, "if the Congress does not agree to this, it will be clear that their intention is not to seek agreement." That's why we can't wait beyond Saturday.' Congress leader Krishna Prasad Sitaula, who participated in the

meeting, said that the presentation of Prime Minister Dahal and UML President Oli indicated that an agreement could be reached by Saturday evening. "We think that the presentation of the Prime Minister and Oliji will bring positive results on the issue of forming a parliamentary committee, which was demanded by the Congress and the opposition parties in the House," Sitaula said. According to him, the meeting of the working group will be held at 3 o'clock on Saturday and the meeting of the top leaders will be concluded in the evening.

Congress Parliamentary Party's chief whip writer also said that the environment for reaching consensus without leaving aside the issues that have been raised regarding the jurisdiction of the parliamentary committee. "What we have raised, the committee will be formed by ensuring that it is investigated in the mandate," he said.

Maoist chief whip Hitraj Pandey informed that the working group has been assigned to agree the language of its jurisdiction, noting that the agreement is close to end the stalemate of the constitution. "Discussions with the top leaders are close to agreement," he said.

UM chief whip Bertaula said that the opposition will present itself in a positive manner to determine the jurisdiction of the parliamentary inquiry committee. "We believe that the Congress will flexibly agree on the TOR on Saturday," he said. He also said. According to

sources, the jurisdiction is not to include the names of the Deputy Prime Minister and the Home Minister, but because the savings of various cooperatives were embezzled by taking them to the Gorkha media network, a middle way has been sought to put the investigation into the jurisdiction. The chairman of RSVP and Home Minister Lamichhane did not attend Friday's Baluwatar meeting. However, the Congress believes that the Prime Minister's presentation is positive for Jan Lamichhane in such a jurisdiction. "It has been decided to discuss with Raviji once, then sit in the working group and make a draft and then discuss it at the top level," said another member of the working group.

According to the provisions of the constitution, the ruling party is under pressure to pass the policy and program presented in the parliament on May 1 before bringing the budget on May 15. Within the next four days, the policy and program will be passed and the budget will be brought on May 15. If the ruling party does not agree with the Congress, it has also prepared to bring the budget through alternative measures. The ruling party is preparing to end the session and bring the budget through an ordinance or present the budget in the middle of Congress sloganeering. Congress has been reluctant to agree on the main issue of co-operative fraud, saying that if the budget comes through an ordinance, it may send a wrong message.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १२, २०८१ ०६:४७
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