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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७८

Vaccination campaign against measles-rubella completed at 413 local levels


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As part of the measles-rubella vaccination campaign conducted by the government, all children in 413 local levels of the country have been vaccinated. All children have been vaccinated at the local level in 24 districts of the country.

Vaccination campaign against measles-rubella completed at 413 local levels

Head of Child Health and Vaccination Branch Dr. Campaign According to Gautam, the vaccination campaign is ongoing in 180 local levels of 43 districts. So far, about 66 percent i.e. 37 lakh 92 thousand 468 children have been vaccinated.

branch chief Dr. Gautam said that the vaccination campaign could not be conducted in 122 local levels in eight districts of the Himalayas due to snowfall. In view of the risk of measles-rubella infection, the government has conducted a vaccination campaign in 75 districts except West Rukum and Jajarkot districts since February 13th. The target is to vaccinate a total of 5742 thousand nine hundred and ninety-three children in those districts.

Children between nine months to 15 years of age and 51 districts of nine months to five years of age are being vaccinated in 21 districts and Kathmandu valley highly infected with measles-rubella bordering India. For the vaccination campaign, 48,798 vaccination centers have been arranged across the country. Gautam informed. 49 thousand 937 health workers and 59 thousand 906 volunteers have been mobilized for the vaccination campaign.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन २८, २०८० १९:०१
जनताको राय

खेलकुद मन्त्रालयको बजेटले लुडो, चेस र बाघचाल मात्रै खेलाउन सकिन्छ भन्ने युवा तथा खेलकुदमन्त्री विराजभक्त श्रेष्ठको भनाइबारे तपाईंको धारणा के छ ?