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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १६१

Bhandari from Nepal honored in America


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Praveen Bhandari, a Nepalese youth, was honored in America on Monday. He has been honored with the 'President's Lifetime Achievement Award'. He has been given an important award by the American government for contributing to his community and society by volunteering for 4100 hours.

Bhandari from Nepal honored in America

Star Scholar Network, a youth non-profit organization based in Baltimore, Maryland, recommended for the award. Parbat Bhandari has been helping the Nepali community and the American community in the time of Covid-19 and other times as well. Bhandari expressed his happiness for getting the

important award.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १३, २०८० १९:५८
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