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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १५२

The department issued 6-point instructions to make cooperatives organized


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To solve the problem in the cooperative sector, the cooperative department has issued 6-point instructions. The cooperative department is the regulatory body of cooperatives within the association. The department issued the instructions on Wednesday.

The department issued 6-point instructions to make cooperatives organized

"Due to the recent problems in the cooperative sector, the business of cooperative organizations and members have also been affected, so instructions have been issued for the revival of this sector," the directive said.

These are the 6 points of instruction

1. will focus on gaining the trust of members through regular coordination and contact with its members, increasing financial literacy and member-centric service delivery.

2. Loans and outstanding dues collection will be made more efficient and return the savings of its members on time.

3. In view of the difficulties faced by debtors who could not regularize their loans due to circumstances, the impact on the debtor members is assessed and based on the demand, needs and justification of the members, only in the case of those debtors who were not listed as bad debtors last year and did not receive such a facility before. If 50 percent interest is paid, the balance can be rescheduled for a period of 3 months. Thus, clear grounds for rescheduling the loan should be attached to each loan file. After rescheduling, if there is a write-back from the loan loss arrangement, the amount equal to the write-back should be spent in the accumulated profit account and accounted in a separate account. Dividends and employee bonuses cannot be distributed from the amount accounted for in this way, and no fee/damage can be charged from the debtor member for rescheduling.

4. After the installments of the rescheduled loans are regular for 6 consecutive months, only the amount written back from the loan loss arrangement of such loans can be separated and accounted in the accumulated profit account.

5. If the interest of the financial year 2080/81 is paid before 15th July 2081, it can be counted as income of this financial year.

6. If found acting contrary to this instruction, action will be taken according to the law.

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ १४:२६
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