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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

For the first time in Nepal, a concept paper on the use of AI has been prepared


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For the first time, the government has prepared a concept paper on the use and practice of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Although the development and use of AI is increasing globally, there is no policy and law in Nepal, so the government has prepared a concept paper to set the basis for the necessary policy and law in this regard.

For the first time in Nepal, a concept paper on the use of AI has been prepared

The technical committee formed by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology prepared the concept paper after nearly five months of study. According to the instructions of Communication and Information Technology Minister Rekha Sharma, the Ministry formed a five-member technical committee under the coordination of Joint Secretary Anil Kumar Dutt. The members of the

committee were Narayan Timilsina, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry, Pavitra Dangol, Information Technology Director of the Information Technology Department, Baburam Dawadi, Associate Professor of the Institute of Engineering Studies, and Surya Prakash Upadhyay, Computer Engineer of the Ministry, as member secretary.

The committee formed on January 5 has prepared a report on the concept paper and submitted it to the ministry. The report suggested that the government should make necessary policies, laws and procedures for the development, use and regulation of AI.

Identifying the need to address the issues of cyber security, data protection and privacy at the policy level, the report recommends the formulation of a national policy on AI, the creation of a national strategy, a data protection framework with a legal basis, the use of AI and standards for adapting to international standards of policies and laws covering the privacy and protection of users. It has been suggested that it should be determined. The

report states that an integrated national portal should be developed and an integrated structure should be built to exchange information on AI, research, development and use of this subject should be prioritized, programs should be conducted to speed up the use of AI, and a national project should be implemented to utilize its transformative nature in economic and social development. And Timilsina, a member of the technical committee for the preparation of the concept paper, gave the information that it was suggested that regional initiatives should be developed.

'It seems that a strategy should be taken to increase research, investment and cooperation in matters including privacy protection, transparency and accountability, development and promotion of AI use', the report says, 'for this, the relevant sector should include the development and promotion of AI use in its policies, strategies and programs. It should be kept as a priority.'

Emphasizing the need to identify the existing manpower and increase their capacity, Timilsina, a member of the committee, said that after the availability of skilled manpower in the public and private sectors, AI development, use and promotion can be accelerated.

Disease prevention and treatment, financial services and analysis, manufacturing and production, education and development, communication and experience improvement, organizational management, government services, social security, sports, research and development, agriculture, tourism, etc. He said given.

'The current state of artificial intelligence development in Nepal, potential areas of promotion, research and development capacity, action plan should be evaluated', the report says, 'National strategy should include health services, agriculture, education, smart cities and infrastructure, smart mobility. And the future action plan should be decided on the matter by determining the major areas including transport.'

AI strategy should include data and digital infrastructure, economic and financial arrangements to accelerate AI 'startups', research and development, ethics, data privacy, security and regulation, upskilling and capacity building of manpower, industrialization of technology and sectoral initiatives, the report suggests. .

The technical committee has studied the background of AI, concept, AI ecosystem, its basic principles, approach, purpose, existing situation, policy system, institutional and usage situation, international practice and strategy, etc. Timilsina informed.

According to him, the European Union, United Nations, Nordic-Baltic region, UAE, India, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Singapore, South Korea, etc. A comparative analysis is included in the report after studying the strategy.

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ १५:५४
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