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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६२

Diprox reached 156 municipalities with immigration issues


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In the third phase of the Safe Immigration Sami program, 2,399 financial literacy classes have been completed in 156 municipalities in 38 districts. According to the bilateral agreement between the government of Nepal and the Swiss government, the safe immigration Sami program is being conducted under the leadership of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security and the local governments.

Diprox reached 156 municipalities with immigration issues

Diprox-Nepal has been working as a technical partner organization since 2019 in the field of financial literacy under Sami program. It has been conducting 21-week financial literacy and psychosocial counseling classes, especially targeting repatriated household members who are employed abroad. 58 thousand 694 women and 1 thousand 199 men had a total of 59 thousand 893 participants in the financial literacy class. In addition to the Sami work area, 184 people from a local level have also completed a financial literacy class.

Diprox Nepal's financial literacy consultation meeting of the third phase of the program, which runs from 2018 to 2024, has ended on Sunday. In the meeting, Kailash Rizal, director of Diprox Nepal, informed about the achievements and learning of the financial literacy department so far under the Sami program and the strategy prepared by the local level, according to Diprox. 23.68 percent of Dalits, 43.79 percent of tribals and 12.32 percent of Madhesi participated in the financial literacy program conducted under the Sami program.

Rizal said that the total participation of Dalits, tribals, Madhesi and marginalized people is 79.79 percent. "Participants receiving remittances from formal financial institutions are 99.72 percent, which was 66 percent in the baseline survey," he said. Rizal says that 61 percent of the participants have paid off the entire loan taken while going abroad, while the percentage of participants participating in the life insurance program has increased by 11.21 points. Rizal said that before participating in the

program, 0.54 percent started business and 4.30 percent did business expansion after participating in the program. 3.10 percent started business and 12.91 percent expanded. As an effort to mainstream financial literacy at the local level, 21 municipalities have prepared their financial literacy strategy. Rizal said that 5 more municipalities are in the process of construction.

Helvetas Nepal is providing technical support on behalf of Swiss government development assistance SDC. The first and second phase of the program was completed from 2011 to 2018. The third phase will run from 16 September 2018 to 15 July.

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ ०८:२५
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