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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६८

Always skimp on budget for big projects

Due to low budget allocation in ongoing projects, it is a problem to manage contracts on time
विमल खतिवडा

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The government has allocated a low budget for the projects that are being worked on and are in the final stages of construction for the next financial year. As a result, there is a problem in managing the contract on time, according to the projects. The Siddhababa Tunnel is one of the projects that are currently being worked on.

Always skimp on budget for big projects

45 crore budget has been allocated for this project in the current financial year. As the allocated amount is insufficient, 33 crore rupees have been transferred. Nareshman Shakya, Director of the Quality Research and Development Center under the Road Department, said that although a budget of two billion rupees was requested for the next financial year 081/82, only 658.1 million rupees were allocated.

'Tunnel digging is being done according to the plan to run vehicles from May,' said Shakya, 'the budget allocation is small, which is not enough, we have already informed the road department and the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport about this.' He says that it will be. The problem lies in many pride projects. The project heads said that there is a problem in managing the contract and working according to the target because the budget allocation is not done by prioritizing Gaurav's projects.

It has been 17 years since the construction of the Madhyapahari highway, so far its physical progress is only 76.77 percent. The government started this project in 064/65 to connect 215 settlements in 26 districts of Madhya Pahar. It is estimated that 1 crore people will benefit after the completion of this project. But the budget of this project has been reduced and allocated.

The work was started to build a two-lane black paper road from Chiwabhanjang in Panchthar in the east to Zhulaghat in Baitadi in the west. Out of 1,879 km, 462 km of roads fall under other projects, so only 1,417 km are responsible for project construction. So far, 1,445 km of black roads and 150 bridges have been completed. As the work cannot be completed within the stipulated time, the deadline is being extended till the financial year 083/84. According to the initial agreement, its work should be completed in 073/74. Added up to 079/80 after

. But the work was not done. The initial cost estimate of the project is 33 billion 36 million rupees. The revised cost estimate is Rs 84 billion 33 crore. So far 68 billion 15 crore 55 lakh rupees have been spent. But due to lack of sufficient budget, the project is facing problems in contract management. The budget of this ongoing project has decreased for the next financial year. In the current financial year, 3 billion 95 million 75 million rupees have been allocated for this project, and 3 billion 59 million 29 million rupees have been allocated for the next financial year.

Gaurav's project, Hulaki Highway, will get less budget for the next financial year than the current year. 3 billion 489 million was allocated for this highway in the current financial year.

But only 3 billion 21 crore 27 lakh rupees have been allocated for the next financial year. The progress of the highway, which was started from 066/67, is 66.11 percent. Its construction should be completed by 079/80. Final preparations are now being made to extend the time till 083/84. When the project started, the estimated cost was increased from 47 billion 24 million rupees to 67 billion rupees. It is estimated that the cost of completing the project will be 1 trillion 1 billion rupees. Since the start of the project, 1,200 and 32.68 kilometers of roads have been paved. Madhav Prasad Adhikari, information officer of Hulaki Highway Project Directorate, said that due to insufficient budget allocation in the

project, the work has not progressed as expected. "The problem with the project is the budget," he said. If the budget is allocated according to the need, the progress in the work would increase.'' "As a result, the work cannot be done within the specified time," he said, "both the cost and time of the project will increase." The project said that there was a problem because the contract could not be awarded due to the parks in Chitwan and Nawalparasi sections. The distance of this highway is 1857.42 km. Out of this, 882.42 km are subsidiary roads.

The construction of Madan Bhandari highway has been started with the decision of the Council of Ministers on 075 June 6 to connect Bahundangi in Jhapa to Rupal in Dandeldhura. Although the work was started to be completed by 081/82, the progress is slow. Due to lack of sufficient budget, the work is getting affected. As a result of which the work could not be completed on time, an extension of time has been proposed for the financial year 084/85. The project had asked for a budget of 5.6 billion for the next financial year. But only 3.53 billion has been allocated. Deep Barahi, head of Madan Bhandari Highway Project Directorate, says that the budget is not enough.

So far the physical progress of the project is 50 percent. "The budget of 56 million rupees is insufficient to pay the work done so far in the current fiscal year," he said, "The bill comes from the projects that have been worked until the middle of June, there is a lot of work, but the budget is small."

He said that 2 billion 41 crore 3 lakh rupees were allocated for this project in the current financial year but it was insufficient. The total distance of this highway is 1,390 km. Out of this, only 740 km is within the scope of the project. The remaining 650 km are being looked after by other projects under the road department. Out of the 740 km of this highway, 322 km of the road has been paved. The initial estimated cost of the project is 75 billion rupees.

22 billion 50 million 38 lakh rupees were allocated for the Kathmandu-Tarai/Madhes expressway (fast track) in the current financial year. For the next financial year, the budget has been allocated to 22.54 billion 93 lakh rupees, which has been increased by only 40 million rupees compared to the current financial year. Out of the total distance of 70.977 km, only 6.5 km area of ​​Khokna has not been managed. Its construction work should be completed by November 081. But since the construction cannot be completed during that period, the deadline has been extended till 083 Chait.

According to a military source, the allocated budget for the next fiscal year will not be sufficient as work is being done through contract management in the areas other than Khokna. From May 074, the army has been entrusted with the management of its construction. So far, the physical progress of the project is only 34.42 percent.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ ०७:३७
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