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२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७६

Stalls of provincial projects will also be kept at the investment conference


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During the third investment conference to be held in the coming month of Baisakh, state level plans are also going to be kept in 'so case'. Finance Minister and Investment Conference Director Committee Coordinator Barshman Pun informed that plans of the provinces will also be included.

Stalls of provincial projects will also be kept at the investment conference

Finance Minister Pun interacted with more than half a dozen ministers and chief ministers at the directorate committee secretariat on Thursday evening. During that, he asked the Chief Ministers to choose the plans that are currently being prepared or include them in the investment conference.

During that, there was an interaction about the participation from the provincial level and the preparation of provincial level projects that can be included for investment in the conference. In the discussion, Chief Minister of Koshi Province Kedar Karki, Chief Minister of Madhesh Province Saroj Yadav and Chief Minister of Karnali Rajkumar Sharma informed about possible projects for investment in their provinces.

They said that foreign investment can be attracted in hydropower, information technology, agriculture, tourism, industry and other sectors. The suggestions of the Chief Ministers were to amend some of the existing laws pointed out by the representative organizations of the private sector and to establish a basis on which profits can be transferred to foreign investors. They mentioned that some big projects of the state level will be held in the investment conference.

Deputy Prime Minister and Physical Infrastructure and Transport Minister Raghuvir Mahaseth, Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Minister Shakti Bahadur Basnet, Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Minister Hit Bahadur Tamang, Communication and Information Technology Minister Rekha Sharma, Agriculture and Livestock Development Minister Jwalakumari Sah, Industry, Commerce and Supply Minister Damodar Bhandari, Forest and Environment Minister Navalkishore Shah, Koshi Chief Minister Kedar Karki, Madhesh Chief Minister Saroj Yadav, Karnali Chief Minister Rajkumar Sharma, Chief Secretary Baikunth Aryal, Finance Secretary Krishnahari Puskar, Wagmati Chief Secretary Ghanshyam Upadhyay, Finance Ministry Joint Secretary Dhaniram Sharma and others participated. In the

program, Minister Pun informed that the process of amending the necessary laws to improve the investment environment has been progressed. He said that non-resident Nepalis were also invited to come to the investment conference. "We have also invited non-resident Nepalis to the investment conference", he said, "Even though they have taken citizenship of other countries, they are still Nepalis. I have found that they are willing to come to their motherland and invest.'

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १६, २०८० १४:२१
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