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Stay in remote public schools

विप्लव महर्जन

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Three community schools, which are remote due to geographical difficulties, have introduced bus services for the convenience of students. Narayan Mavi in ​​Rumalgaon, Kumakh Rural Municipality-2, Janakalyan Model Mavi in ​​Bagchaur Municipality-2 Tharmare and Tribhuvan Janata Mavi in ​​Bangad Kupinde Municipality-5 Chiura, which are the best in the country, have brought the bus service into operation.

Stay in remote public schools

Janakalyan Mavi bought the bus from its own resources, while Tribhuvan Janata Mavi and Narayan Mavi were provided buses with the help of the Government of India.

The principal of Narayan Mavi Rumalgaon, Debendra Rawat, said that as soon as the bus provided by the Government of India came into operation as it is the best school in the country, it would be a relief for the students who had to walk for about two hours to come to school. The school is excellent because of the teachers' activism and that's the reason He informed that the bus was received with the help of the Government of India.

'Due to the geographical difficulty and narrow roads within the municipality, it is not so easy to deliver buses to all the wards, but we will transport the students to the places where the buses can reach,' he said. No .''He said that after the school gets the bus, it will not only help in educational reform, but in the financial year 2080/081, the target is to reach 800 students .

Since most of the roads dug by the municipality are narrow, for the time being, the school is preparing to operate buses from two places, Sallibazar and Garche, after the start of the academic session. He informed that the operated bus service will be a lot of relief for the students who come from a distance.

'Students from some places in the municipality come to school in a hurry after walking for two and a half hours. When they have to leave the house early in the morning, they cannot eat properly. Some people get sick on the way. As soon as the bus comes into operation, students from far away places will no longer have to walk for half an hour, he said. Last year there were 1,165 students in the school.

Until last year, students coming to study from a distance not only had to rent a room, but the financial burden increased and the students could come to school on time Tulsiram Kasnet, Principal of Janakalyan Mavi Tharmare, said that the school purchased a 42-seater bus for 1.3 million from its own resources and put it into operation. He informed that the bus will be delivered to all places where students can come.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १२, २०८१ १४:४६
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